Voting records are public my dudes. Why shouldn’t the democrats be fucking talking about blacklisting every single person who registered as a republican at one point in their life?

Y’all are very pessimistic with electoralism and I am too but I would literally do a critical support for libs if they just threatened it!

The republicans literally tried to overthrow the government on January 6th, that was worse than 9/11 that bitch deserved to be shot.

So many of this country problems if all the white people who predominately support the Republican Party were banned from government jobs, owning property, getting drivers licenses, or voting.

Target the Republican Party and you can get rid of the white peoples institution power. Let them try to do civil war 2 and kill hopefully millions of them with drones striked by trans black indigenous women piloting drones.

Now I really don’t have faith in the dems on being good, but they would be better. I would rather have Mensheviks than fucking fascists.

I know the reality is Russia is unfriendly towards the lgbt but it’s important we lie to ourselves and pretend that it’s not for the sake of left unity. Being able to hold two contradictory beliefs is half of what being a leftist is.

Disagree, calling the homeless the unhoused came from the libs, it’s a right wing concept. We are fighting a culture war with the right and we mustn’t give them an inch.

I think as a whole we should try to make language gender neutral. But I can think of better hills to die on. Like most people are conscious of referring to women as female, even women. As we become more aware of it then I think things will start to change.


Here’s my two cents. It’s hard for people to keep up with the euphemism treadmill. There was a time when the word “female” didn’t have the negative connotation that it does now mostly thanks to co-opting by incels. It should also be stated that the word “male” doesn’t have the same negative connotations and it’s similar to how there’s slurs for black people but none for white people.

So why do people find “female” offensive? Well for starters it’s dehumanizing. Women is a less academic term and female implies some biological essentialism. I think the crux as to why it’s a big deal now is that women do not refer to themselves as females in the manner that men do. Men do not think of themselves as males, they do not call other men males, men call themselves men. male and female are simply outdated terms.

I suspect one day as society moves towards a more genderqueer position men and women will become unacceptable to say too. Idk. Like I think we need to acknowledge that there is such thing as a euphemism treadmill, that languages change, words become offensive or nonoffensive over time, and like all we can do in order to be a fucking decent human bean is to conform to society’s standards as to what is acceptable as according to the treadmill. Unless it’s some shit like calling the homeless, the unhoused. Then in those specific instances we got to run against the treadmill. But in this specific instance, we need to run with the treadmill on this one. Nothing feels better than conforming with society.

Can we make it so we can post in other instances but other instances cant post on hexbear? Our presence on the fediverse is valuable, we have unironically improved other instances by dunking on their user bases. I think long term hexbear moderators should try to preform a coup on the other moderation teams of the other websites, and if they are following any of the teachings of Lenin should slowly guide the other instances into the light of communism by acting sort of as a vanguard. I’m sorry that you are being forced to educated the lemmy chuds, that is emotional labor and you haven’t been compensated for it. It shouldn’t be our job to educate. But defederation is a bad take, we need some growth, we aren’t advocating for the internet equivalent of antinatalism.

I never used Reddit, I never listened to the podcast. I came here from a discord server lol. I’m basically without original sin here. I’m the perfect leftist.


White suppremacist has long used the letter k to spell out word’s beginning with the letter c, ku klux klan is a prime example of this. Meanwhile x is currently being used by South Africa’s biggest boy to hurt trans kids. His obsession with the letter x should give us a reason to get rid of it. Its sounds are made by z already.

That’s it. Fuck English.

Chud is synonymous with troglodyte.

In a government with like red cops, yeah. I’m not fundamentally opposed to the use of force, in fact I think we should use it very liberally against people who aren’t communist.

Sure that would happen, but I still think it would be worth it despite the false positives. I dont know how many chuds getting their rights violated is worth an innocent person having theirs be as well. Maybe 100?



I’m so conflicted rn. I want to be on this list, but like not with Kissinger.


Yes or Yes?

Think of the children who are unable to rip fat clouds in the bathroom with a regular vape pen because it would get confiscated, we need to make nicotine and other substances available in every learning establishment for children in the world!


When I watched American history x in high school everyone clapped when the white kid was shot.

Broke: kill all nazis

Woke: we are going after the liberals when theres no more nazis


Did mods lose the programmer socks or something?


Mountain climbing should be banned, people shouldn’t be up there.


You all do realize that suburbs existed before the invention of the car right? American infrastructure is bad but it’s not irredeemable, the assumption that we can’t provide public transportation to these places because of a lack of resources is malthusian. And sure some places like the American Southwest and Florida are legitimately over human population carrying capacity due to climate change but in general the earth as a whole isn’t, and cities like Amsterdam are just as unsustainable as Miami since even though has one of those le epic reddit notjustbikes cityskylines approved infrastructure, both are below the sea level.

I think in general our message should be abolish the need to own the automobile, any measures meant to limit car use should target the rich before the poor. And that trains are good, and that a high speed train across the United States would be a rather popular project in the eyes of even the chuds. And by god stop calling for the suburbs to be razed, stop trying to be zoomer Robert Moses.


There is no person on earth that encompasses what it means to be a liberal more than John Oliver.


Married a hardcore conservative

Still making Donald Trump jokes when the man has not been relevant for years

Would call the cops on a homeless person

Patron saint of Reddit

You know that scene from the joker, I’m not gonna elaborate further, but if you know, you know. It would be cathartic.

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