this post was submitted on 28 Dec 2024
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Blåhaj Lemmy and its communities have certain rules regarding respecting of one's identity and their chosen pronouns. This extends to identities and pronouns you might not agree with. Those are the rules of that space. You broke the rules. The consequences followed. This is just basic stuff.
On the other hand, if you believe certain people to be trolling with their neopronouns, then engaging with the matter in any way, is kind of "falling" for it. So, just ... don't engage? This is the internet. People get to be (more or less seriously) humanoid animals, fantasy creatures and races, and if you can't get along with that, you can expect to get thrown out of a space that explicitly welcome anyone regardless of their identity or pronouns.
If I were a transgender person, I would not go within ten miles of a community that was applying the same rules to fantasy creature role playing as it was to my gender pronouns. The normie world doesn’t need to have any assistance in seeing the whole thing as made up, equivalent to wanting to be called a dolphin or a mermaid, and confusing those two very, very different concepts, or treating them as deserving of precisely the same treatment and rules, sounds very wrong to me.
FWIW I am trans and I 100% agree with you. Been thinking about making an account on another instance, just not sure which yet.
100%. It is wrong to elevate roleplay (which, let's be clear, is exactly what this is) to the same level of importance as someone's actual gender identity.
It's a false equivalence and does a huge disservice to trans people who are fighting for their right to even exist.
Don't speak for trans people. Regardless of whether drag thinks drag's an actual dragon or if it's roleplay or just a fun neopronoun, respect people's identities. I don't have to get it. If someone says "I'd like to be referred to as fae," then I'm calling fae exactly what fae wants. I have a friend that uses "love/love" as neopronouns. I don't get it, and yes it can be confusing, but that isn't roleplay or hurting anyone's right to exist. This is exactly the type of infighting that conservatives try to start, and you're either falling for it or white knighting for people that don't need it.
Gender is made up and entirely a social construct, and some people choose to make their own rules because the rules don't actually exist. For some reason that really pisses people off that otherwise think they're being allies.
Yeah, this is basically like trying to reclaim the "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" meme. I get the admins' logic and see what they're going for, but IMO the cost in credibility is too great.
Regardless of what the "normie world" thinks, gender is a social construct and people can do whatever they want. That doesn't make them a troll and doesn't invalidate them. We can't just throw people out for being "too different" for fear of what the "normies" think. We all were too different not that long ago. We live for who we are, not for the approval of anyone else.
The users are taking issue with the admins falling for the troll and allowing the troll to make the space hostile. Their engagement is with the admin/mod response, not with the user.
If you genuinely believe dragons are real and they are able to type and have some understanding of the English language, go gather the data, get it peer reviewed and objectively verified, and go collect your Nobel Prize. Otherwise, if you occupy a space in which people must act as if dragons or Santa or Groot are real, that is an improv roleplay in which failure to say “Yes, and” is a bannable offense. Reality persists. Eppur si muove.
By using that adjective, you are implying there are creatures which do not exist. You’re defending the admin response by partaking in the same act which got the users banned.
Why are you hung up on the "dragons aren't real" thing? That was never a requirement. Some people will argue that being trans isn't real, being plural isn't real, being genderfluid isn't real, being bigender or another gender entirely isn't real. (Not that you are claiming this.) As such, the admins there simply decided that there won't be a line drawn. Let people do what they want. Heck, you could consider it "roleplaying" if you're more comfortable with that, or alternatively, simply don't engage. It's disrespectful and not to mention disruptive to make it an issue.
It was never a requirement that serious expressions of identity be real?
Yes. Them's the rules on Blåhaj Lemmy.
I mean, apparently so, but I was not operating under the assumption that "We don't believe in gender, this is all roleplay" was the base state of the instance, and many others seem surprised by it too.
Three feet to your right is "trans women are roleplaying women". You may not hold that view explicitly, but the rules around respecting identity in that instance exist for that reason. And that means accepting identities that are challenging, even if they are being used by shitty people.
They're exactly the opposite of what he just said.
It's not about the person being shitty, it's about the identity itself being absurd and contradictory to reality.
You missed the point of the comment you're replying to. To a lot of people, garden-variety binary trans people are "absurd and contradictory to reality". To even more people, nonbinary people are.
Blahaj lemmy's admins have decided that they will not draw a line, because they don't want to be the arbiters of what is valid. That does mean some extreme cases don't get decided the way you would, and that's fine! Just block those cases.
Whatever identity they have, I don't care. The internet's big enough for everyone. It's not my problem, not my life, live and let live.
You're so close to getting my point. It's like right there.
"Transphobes hate trans people because they don't think trans people are real; therefore, in order to not be transphobic, you must admit reality doesn't exist" isn't very compelling.
Most ordinary folk would opine that transphobia is bad precisely because trans folk do exist in reality and are valid.
What part of the removed comments do you think was considered gatekeeping by the admins, if not the statements that dragons aren’t real?
Then any interaction in that superposition of reality and fiction is pointless. Acknowledgment of reality will be arbitrarily censored, such as above. It ceases to be roleplay and becomes a localized Ministry of Truth with the admins kowtowing to the trolls.
People wanted to state the obvious about objective reality. Admin did not let them do that. People wanted to distinguish between reality and fiction. Admin did not let them do that.
Disrespectful to whom? Trolls? Reality?
By questioning the person's neopronouns, you're gatekeeping which identities or pronouns are acceptable. Nobody cares whether dragons are real or not. Many letters of the alphabet mafia have been questioned on whether they are real or not, and even continue to be, so over here, we're simply not doing that.
As for why you're being disrespectful: You broke the rules of the space and now you're making a big stink about it. Considering you're admitting yourself you think this person is a troll, I think it's time to admit your loss. You "fell" for them, got "tricked" into breaking a rule, and got banned as a result.
I’m not questioning the neopronouns. It’s an oversimplification to suggest that those are the singular reason people believe the account to be a troll and that is the same myopic reasoning I read from the admin. Read the troll’s directly harmful posts/comments and read between the lines on their more covert insidious posts/comments.
People caring about an objective reality is singularly why we’re having this conversation. The users were banned for stating that they aren’t real. Are you trying to troll me too or are you just not following any of this whatsoever?
None of that applies to me apart from me stating that the user is a troll. The banned users were not tricked; the admin was tricked into enforcing flawed rules to an absurd absolute. You likewise have been tricked into defending the absurd on moral principle rather than logic.
I didn’t ask why. I asked to whom. If I disrespect a troll, then good. If I disrespect those who choose to be gullible, then they shouldn’t have chosen to be gullible.
This is where we disagree. As far as neopronouns go, drag/drag is still pretty tame. It doesn't take a lot of effort to just go along with a persons preferred way of being referred to, in a space where doing so is expected. You're not supposed to decide on your own whether it's worth respecting depending on whether you think this person is a troll.
The reason? There's plenty of people out there, say on the spectrum, who often have trouble with being mistaken as a troll, for lack of being able to state their opinions and thoughts properly, or any other reason. I have personal experience with one such person. And their identity deserves to respected just the same as anyone else, even if their takes and opinions you are free to argue with.
Even if you know someone's obviously faking being trans (Josh Seiter comes to mind), it doesn't hurt anyone to just go along with using the pronouns they asked for, while criticizing them where it actually matters.
Have y'all never seen assholes abuse the language of sexual preference?
We've had to deal with people insisting that fucking kids is their identity. NAMBLA was a whole thing, to the point it became a South Park episode and a running gag on the Daily Show. Over on Tumblr, people tried pushing "minor-attracted person" or MAP as just another humdrum flag under the rainbow. If any forum said 'you will not question that or imply the slightest disagreement with that,' would you suddenly respect those people?
Hell, 4chan tried pushing "super straight" to mean, only cis women count. This was a deliberate organized effort (by 4chan standards) to appropriate the shape of queer activism, specifically to shit on trans people. As if calling those bigots, bigots, was the real bigotry.
Some things are not sexual preference. Calling that gatekeeping, instead of just having a definition, is a thought-terminating cliche. Acceptability has nothing to do with it - this thing is not that thing. It's a category error.
And they're wrong.
See how easy that was?
Having a line doesn't mean all lines are equally valid. The possibility that someone, somewhere, might make a similar-shaped argument, does not eternally invalidate all possible forms of that argument.
And women are demonstrable. Women are a thing people can be.
The shape of that sentence is not validation for all possible mad-libs. 'Snickers bars are a thing people can be.' No. 'The City of Pawnee, Indiana is a thing people can be.' No. 'God is a thing people can be.' No... and there are follow-up questions.
Imagine dragonfucker instead said "I am Jesus Christ reborn, refer to me as the Lord.". Obvious madness and I doubt any community would respect it. It's the same fantasy shit just dragons are nominally aligned with furry culture
Grail basically did that, and it got a moderator booted out for not capitalizing pronouns in a well-deserved ban message.
By the sound of things - this is about the same asshole. They just changed accounts and switched gimmicks.
Honestly, no, it's just sad. This is Blahaj's sole overstep and Ada is determined to make it everybody's problem. Zero nuance, zero chill. Even 196 is talking about skipping over to friggin' .world - all thanks to this defense of one narcissistic ban-evading douchebag.
Hilarious not as in "haha cool", more line "look at the state of this mess"
feral furry here. THANK YOU. Seems like a great instance from what I've seen.