Except, you know, the secret service already let one shooter try.
You're almost definitely thinking of xiaomi, which almost always sell as unlockable carrier independent models.
as with any source of insight from the 1800s,
It was Marx
Eliminating the US economy is indeed a good thing for the rest of the world but it's not that great of an action.
If you think that's amazing there was this guy in the mid 1800s that was a penpal of president Lincoln that predicted the hell we currently live in.
Not a lie, neither the US or EU can compare, https://e360.yale.edu/features/china-renewable-energy
So clearly they're not replacing the capacity with renewables. Or they're actively reducing their total energy capacity. That's also an explanation for those numbers.
But hey, anything to excuse the West deciding on lng for their power.
And yet they're not replacing them with green energy. Seems like they're not doing much at all.
Hey it's the bi-quarterly "China is collapsing' article from random western business media. They've been wrong a hundred quarters in a row but this time I'm sure they're on to something.
It is more than literally every other country is doing, is my retort to that point. That and unlike western governments, they actually accomplish their goals.
Everyone could be doing more, China is doing the most. If the US especially didn't spend the last century and a half ignoring climate change while most of the world was still pre industrial agricultural societies, we wouldn't be in this mess.
And they're easier to set up securely than either renewable or the nuclear plants they'll likely later become.
Yes, it'd be great if they weren't sanctioned every other week and threatened with war and could dedicate all of their resources to leap frogging dirty tech... But that's not the world we live in, the world we live in has people that are rising in quality of life and expecting all the benefits. And they simply have more people than the US and Europe combined while only having the GDP of just the US.
It's not ideal, they've admitted as such, but it's a necessary step that all western nations took even when better options were on the table, it's unfair to criticize China when they're also producing more green energy than the rest of the world.
Except China operates and so far has executed multi year long plans that have been incredibly successful. On top of this they're the reason green energy is cheap at all, given they're the world's producer.
https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CHN/china/suicide-rate 8.2
https://www.statista.com/statistics/860970/taiwan-suicide-mortality-rate/ 16
https://www.statista.com/topics/8622/suicide-in-south-korea/#topicOverview 27...
What was that again?