This is great. I love to see it. Congrats Americans. Keep it up, fight your oppressors. Sincerely me, a Canadian.
I need to more about this. Where can I find more information. This is fascinating and explains why trumps ideas line up perfectly with Putins.
America is Putins puppet. Musk is sitting in between getting richer while Trump does Russia’s wants.
Look at the Russian playbook. Look at the current U.S. playbook.
Insert image of “the office <they’re the same image>.jpg here.
Oh good. The chosen people have chosen ethnic cleansing and genocide, being implemented by the highest ranked goy in the world.
He has small dick energy. He should go and work for Tesla.
What? Why? It’s not like they’re going to send them to Guantanamo bay right? Right? Guys?
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Is she related to Trump in some way? Sounds very trumpish in tantrum levels.
This is great news. I hope the feds don’t screw this up for us.
Crazy that it takes a Nazi dictator threatening annexation for our government to come together and do something. It’s about time.
Most people have their head in the sand. Have you heard the latest PC commercial for ford? Talking about how Trudeau did nothing during the protests, when it was fords jurisdiction to clean up the freedumbers and clear the area in Ottawa.
And where was ford when all this happening? In Muskoka at his cottage, probably getting pegged by developers for kickbacks for the greenhouse land.
I can’t stand ford. He’s a fatter version of Trump and is about as intelligent as a wet rock.
Nothing like helping demise a democratic country to appease a cocksucking Russia who now has total control over America. But yes, it’s the resources they want.
Either way, Ukraine looses when the 2 most fascist countries on the planet work together to destroy a country who didn’t start a war.
The America government should be slaughtered like pigs.