Fuck that. This is what I support.
Cut off access to all monetary gain completely form within Canada for all American citizens and corporations. Divest America from our stock market and business ownership in country.
Stop medical isotopes, potash, water, oil, gas and power as well as all car parts and assembly.
Turn off access to NORAD and boot all Americans employed there.
Divest CPP from American holdings and require all other Canadian pension plans to do the same.
Boot the American mega corps. Walmart, home Depot, MacDonald's, engineering firms, large construction companies etc. or tax them beyond reason for operating in country.
Boot the burocrats, all of them. Wipe all the offices and buildings clean and offer them to nations willing to do the former US trade and play nice.
Encourage other countries to do the same and offer Canadian knowledge and systems to help with the transitions. Don't just focus on home. Focus on the world.
Remove as many American products as possible from store shelves. Divest all universities and education from America completely.
Institute a massive brain drain campaign to welcome all American citizens with skills and knowledge especially in women's health and reproduction, climate science, engineering, design etc. offer citizenship, full moving expenses, signing bonus' and all the best perks if you work within government service for a certain period of time upon arrival.
Offer citizenship to influential American celebrities and artists that disagree with the current fascist administration.
Deny access for Canadian governments and businesses to American based social media platforms completely.
Take all those who are persecuted for their political or personal views and offer sanctuary in Canada. Set up mass immigration posts for current American citizens wanting to denounce their citizenship.
Immediate weapons technology pact with Ukraine. They have the most advanced weaponry for guerilla warfare against a larger more powerful nation. Support them fully and ask for help. We are each in the exact same situation just on different timelines.
Open immigration for American citizens fleeing persecution. Set up an office specifically for this and fast track anyone with medical or scientific backgrounds willing to fill empty positions in our healthcare or education systems.
Would it hurt? Fuck ya. Would it be worth it in the long run to untangle ourselves from that Gong show south of the border? Absolutely.
Fuck em. Shut it down.