[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 8 points 1 year ago

The Russians have been known to sprinkle anti-personnel mines all through these areas. Seems not in this case, but for me personally I would be as sceptical as you are.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 10 points 1 year ago

Like most things the true reason is far more complicated than what those simplified narratives often say. Unfortunately they make good headlines.

Nobody who can to speak publicly knows for sure whether or not Putin alone chose to start the war and exactly what the reasons where. But if you look more broadly than just 24th February 2022 the reasons go beyond just Putin. Even without Putin, Russia (the country not the people) had reasons (horrible as they are) to escalate tensions with Ukraine prior to 2022, it had reasons to start the war, and even today it has reasons to keep the war going. In the West, and in Russia, Putin is the personification of the choices Russia makes. But Russia itself would have reasons even without him.

Those reasons are many, and I wouldn't do them justice to talk about the various theories. But one in particular that I feel isn't talked about enough is the Sevastopol Naval base. Crimea, and it's naval base was the centre of Soviet and now Russian control over the Black Sea. Prior to 2014 Russia was leasing the base from Ukraine, so it has essentially been under control of Moscow continuously since the Soviet era. The 2014 revolution in Ukraine posed a threat to that continuing. Russia's rather extreme solution to that was to anex Crimea. If you look at from Russia's perspective they were put in quite a tough situation and they tried to make the best they could from the hand they were delt. Most people would probably disagree with the use of "best" in that sentence, but from Russia's perspective it was the right choice.

Since 2014, Crimea has been problematic to Russia for various reasons, in particular due to needing an outside source of fresh water, and needing the very expensive new Kerch bridge to connect it to Russia. One of the apparent benefits of the full scale invasion in 2023 was to supply Crimea with water from the Nova Khakovka dam via a canal, and connect Crimea to Russia via land from the North. The reality of the war so far hasn't actually been a net win for either of those things. And recently Russia has been forced to move a lot of their fleet out of the Sevastopol Naval base due to Ukrainian attacks. But presumably Russia is looking long term and continues to hope for a good outcome eventually.

Looking to the future, both sides think they can outlast the other's will to continue and hope to eventually force the other side to back down. Russia's end game now seems to be some form of negotiation or ceasefire where they are able to retain as much of what they have grabbed onto as possible. Ukraine's endgame that they have stated publicly is to remove Russia entirely from their land. But there is also the hope of being truly free from Russian influence for the first time in centuries. Ukraine hopes to come out of this war with a strong military to deter any further Russian aggression indefinitely. And possibly also NATO membership.

Russia hopes that eventually the political will for Ukraine to continue fighting for that aim, and the West's will to support it will dry up. They also hope that if they keep the conflict going indefinitely at a small scale, or if they hang onto some territory, then Ukraine will never be able to join NATO.

Ukraine knows that if things continue as they have for the last year they will eventually win. The open question is how long is eventually, and will it be too long.

Unfortunately this means enormous loss of life on both sides for the foreseeable future. Likely 1-2 more years minimum and hundreds of thousands more dead.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 10 points 1 year ago

An important point to add for someone who hasn't heard of reproducible builds before: The key difference to a normal build process is that it is 100% deterministic i.e. it produces exactly the same output every time.

You might think that most built processes would be like this by default, however this is not the case. Compilers and linkers usually have some non-deterministic values that they put in the final binary such as timestamps. For a build to be deterministic these sources of variation must be disabled or mocked to be a repeatable value (i.e. not based on the actual compile time).

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 10 points 1 year ago

It seems like it's alive again. You saved it OP!

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 8 points 1 year ago

His fur is also very luscious. Clearly very well fed indeed.

I hope the mods don't ban him, I heard that well fed foxes aren't well received on some platforms

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 9 points 1 year ago

Memes of the past!? Isn't this meme like 4 years old. I feel old now

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 6 points 1 year ago

This is bizarre. Snap has improved a tiny bit over time, but it continues to not be that great. Meanwhile, flatpak is miles ahead. Things are generally just smoother and less annoying, even when Snap is working as intended.

Personal anecdote: I was having no end of trouble with Inkscape, it was just not working, very unreliable, all sorts of very odd issues. It got worse and worse over time to the point where it didn't even seem to understand paths to open files anymore, if it even felt like opening that day. I tried reinstalling, clearing the config, all sorts of things. I suspected maybe the version of Inkscape Snap was giving me might have a bug in it so I was looking around for alternative ways to install an older version and then for some reason I tried Flatpak. It was like some kind of magic. Totally night and day. All of a sudden Inkscape had absolutely none of the issues that the Snap version had. It just worked. After that I realized that it hadn't been a bug in that version of Inkscape at all, it was just Snap.

I haven't had any issues with any other Snaps, but that incident really opened my eyes to just how bad things can get if a program isn't packaged correctly.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 8 points 1 year ago

In the hamburger menu on the left you should find an "Add account" button. IIRC it says the word "Anonymous" and you have to tap it to show the add account button.

Some things in Jerboa are a bit confusing for now. Once you get to know where things are it's pretty good though.


A Japanese team of researchers are working on a positioning system using muons, which could be used in places where GPS signals can't be received (such as underwater or underground).

The article discusses many of the challenges and reasons why it currently isn't ready for practical applications. But it certainly is a very interesting technology.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 6 points 1 year ago

When you open a link from Jerboa it should open a mini in-app version of your main browser. If your default browser app is set to Firefox it will say "Powered by Firefox" and if it is Chrome it will say "Running in Chrome". UX wise it is very similar to having a bundled in-app browser. But the rendering is handled by your main browser.

I'm not up-to date with the story behind this, but my understanding is that new apps that want in-app browers should be implemented in this way. This seems to be the modern way of doing it. The reason for it I believe is mostly security. Your main browser app should be up-to-date on security patches and features, and if apps can just piggie back off that then they don't need to worry about shipping and patching their own in-app copy of the browser. Also it respects the user's choice of default browser. So if your default browser is Chrome it will use that for the in-app browser for all apps that work this way (which is quickly becoming most apps).

Another advantage of doing it this way is that when you use the "Open in Firefox" button it seems to just move the tab from one app to the other rather than reloading it, so it happens almost instantly.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 44 points 1 year ago

I've been using Jerboa so far. It's pretty nice. At first I was a bit sceptical because it seemed a little half baked. But it's growing on me. Also now that I've used it for a while I think it's relatively well rounded feature wise. It is quite minimal, but I think a lot of people probably like that. I think long term if other apps come up that are more similar to the existing 3rd party Reddit apps I will probably switch though.

My main issue so far is not being able to follow links to communities inside the app. I imagine this will probably be more difficult to implement than on Reddit because of federation, but hopefully apps can get that working eventually.

Also it can be difficult to add new communities from other servers even via search. Which is also a federation issue.

I also miss the features from Reddit Is Fun which let you choose which content is displayed in-app vs in a web browser. But that's only a minor annoyance so far.

I find I am getting used to the visual style of comments. I initially didn't like it, but it's growing on me.

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 10 points 1 year ago

The thing I worry about whenever someone mentions this angle: What about Lemmy content? As the community moves away from the commercial platforms in favor of Lemmy, Bluesky, Mastodon etc. Then does that lower the legal barrier for AI companies to train on all this content for free? Is that shift in the legal vulnerability of public content something that users consider? Is that desirable to most users? Are people thinking about that?

[-] torturedllama@lemmy.nz 24 points 1 year ago

When the main servers get hit hard (such as lemmy.ml), will users and/or communities using other servers be less impacted by the wave? Or will the wave hitting the popular servers be a problem for everyone?

Will federation save us to some extent?

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