it's actually a function call, calimisInit()
perhaps… one of the most
Load bearing words!
life’s complexities
I don’t think there’s an interpretation of this phrase in which AI actually helps.
Ooh, that’s a five dollar word if I’ve ever seen one.
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I remember when
I don’t think AI will ever be able to get me to lick my own elbow (while my body is undamaged). Boom AGI will never happen. Logic’ed
I’m just thinking about all the reply guys that come here defending autoplag, specifically with this idea:
“GPT is great when I want to turn a list of bullet points into an eloquent email”
Hey, you butts, just send the bullet points! What are you, a high schooler? Nobody has time for essays, much less autoplagged slop.
Personally i’ve never heard of a moral panic over GPS, though if pressed I could manufacture some. So that one seems like something dreamed up by the author. Would love to be proven wrong!
it’s easy to imagine a world where the people working on AI that are also convinced about AI safety decide to shun OpenAI for actions like this. It’s also easy to imagine that OpenAI finds some way to convince their feeble, gullible minds to stay and in fact work twice as hard. My pitch: just tell them GPT X is showing signs of basilisk nature and it’s too late to leave the data mines
As much as it is a good phrase, I’m too used to seeing “spicy” as a compliment, so it doesn’t work for me!
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