27 years of trying to make clippy mandatory and they’re still fucking at it but surely this time they’ll listen to their users
I’m calling it, when this bullshit gets deployed widely a bunch of absolute shitheads are going to dismiss Kevin’s post with “that was the prototype, they changed everything for the real version” and the only thing that’ll change is they’ll superficially encrypt the SQLite file
this post managed to slide in before your ban and it’s always nice when I correctly predict the type of absolute fucking garbage someone’s going to post right before it happens
I’ve culled it to reduce our load of debatebro nonsense and bad CS, but anyone curious can check the mastodon copy of the post
this appears to be a long-winded route to the nonsense claim that LLMs could be better and/or sentient if only we could give them robot bodies and raise them like people, and judging by your post history long-winded debate bullshit is nothing new for you, so I’m gonna spare us any more of your shit
oh goody, the containment thread is leaking
I won’t even try to guess what the point of this horseshit was but no, fuck off
every fucking time! and the answer seems to be: they care enough that privacy’s a core part of Apple’s marketing, but microsoft’s core competency is still managing Maslow’s hierarchy of needs enough that their users are on average just barely more inconvenienced by switching operating systems than they are dealing with whatever new shit’s being sprung on them (and this latest new shit’s gone from annoying to actively dangerous, so the tactic is to convince users it’s irrelevant to them until it’s made mandatory, as Microsoft does, and then the pain of suddenly switching operating systems will be even greater)
we don’t care that your instance of a nondeterministic, unreliable system can’t replicate someone else’s results, and we don’t take marching orders from SSC readers.
let me free up some of your time so you can go figure out how LLMs actually work
and the anti-backlash begins, because snapdragons are magical and microsoft has never fucked over its users
yeah fuck it we don’t need you here either
you have cursed my mansion with ghosts but here I am with a vacuum and a flashlight sucking up both spirits and treasure
I may or may not have Luigi’s Mansion on the brain. how much is a gamecube flash conversion again?