Hi. I'm not related to either of the two fighters. I do, however, admire your curiosity. Still, I feel a particular sentence made in this comment of yours has to be nuanced. If this endeavor of mine is not appreciated, then please feel free to notify me however you please.
So, without further a due.
If I were to go immutable there are some limits on what I can do
Strictly speaking, yes.
However, we can categorize these as follows:
- Absolutely impossible to accomplish on some 'immutable' distros
- Currently impossible to accomplish on some 'immutable' distros. However, it will be fixed eventually.
- Currently impossible to accomplish through conventional methods on some 'immutable' distros. However, some experimental features do allow these to be accomplished. But, you might have to learn how.
Furthermore, depending on your needs, you may not even have to deal with anything that's either not or less supported.
Finally, as the use of "some 'immutable' distros" suggests, not all immutable distros are created equally. Therefore, it's actually uninformed to lump all of them in the same category. True; they're referred to as 'immutable'. However, descriptions like atomic, reproducible and declarative are perhaps more useful when comparing one 'immutable' distro to the other.
I'm personally a big fan of 'immutable' distros. However, please don't feel compelled to delve into it as long as you're satisfied with your system.
My two cents. Enjoy!
Yes, I did have some familiarity with the terminal.
I hope it will work out for ya!
Thank you for your consideration 😊!