well, duh, they are actively trying to paint the January 6th attack on democracy as some sort of guided tour for tourists
joined 2 years ago
way to go dude, ruining Christmas like that. Thank God Santa is bringing me presents, or you'd be in big trouble
the only logical answer is death by snu snu, the wrong kind of snu snu
your day, your terms. if your cousin wants to weaponize her children, that's on her.
imagine if the NSA decided to create an AI, the amount of data they have is staggering
you lost me at 1.
reading is for nerds, duh
could be worse, could have lost 2 arms and 3 legs
tab-tab-tab-tab-tab, darn one too many tabs, tabtabtabtadtab,darn again!
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gosh darn it, how in the heck did that guy get into my personal glue store?