Watching TOS reruns and the movies with my dad on Sunday afternoons when I was a child. Soon afterwards followed by TNG with my older brother. Then VOY was released when I was about 9 years old and that got me hooked for good. For some odd reason, I completely missed out on DS9 until much later in life - I started watching it in my early 20s. Once I watched that, I did a full rewatch of every show of the franchise, including TAS and I still don't know what to think of it. :D Long story short, Star Trek made me a much better person and had a huge impact on me very early in life.
joined 1 year ago
Danke für die Erläuterung. :)
Es hat seine Gründe, warum wir die Webcam stets ausgeschaltet lassen.
Und jeden Tag wird unsere eheliche Entscheidung vertieft, uns hier bald wieder ins Ausland zu verdüdeln...
*Digge, bitte ;)
Fick Hamburg, und das sage ich als Nordlicht! Nur London hasse ich innerhalb von Europa gleichermaßen sehr.
Ich schreibe mal eine PN.
I'd trust Neelix with my life!
I am this close to ordering the two Star Trek cookbooks.
10,49 Euro. Zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, verkauft!
Es war ein gewisser Bernd H.