[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 3 points 1 year ago

If you look into Montessori schools, they are a mix of a structured social environment for that early social skill building and working with nature/natural principles to help kids actively learn about the world around them through interaction and working together with others. I actually meant to mention that style of learning within my writing, but that train of thought got caught up in another station.

The Montessori style of education is well worth looking into, and I really hope that governments and communities around the world see the value in adopting that type of learning environment.


Good Day Punks!

Back again with another worldbuilding post, this time in the efforts to explore a better education system. To understand a better time, place, and methodology for learning, and how these understandings can be incorporated into a new reimagined world. It's time to take our schools to school with the latest worldbuilding post:

Solarium - The Pursuit of Learning

I generally think that we do ourselves a disservice by limiting our learning potential to the times and place of the classroom. There is much more that can be gleamed by integrating the learning experience with the world around us. Would you agree? Would you rather education be part of a rigid, maybe convenient schedule? Would love to know your thoughts as I use this post and all the user comments to generate a writing prompt and flesh out more of my worldbuilding.

Whether you comment or not, hope it was at least a thought provoking read and I greatly appreciate your time! Have a great day! :)

Downtime [SOL002] (slrpnk.net)

Hello All!

Hope everyone has been having a good day so far! As an addition to the worldbuilding blogs that I've been writing, I've also wanted to write short "slice of life" stories that go along with each theme. This slice of life [SOL] story developed from the blog "Deliveries at the Speed of Life" and does try to incorporate the theme and feedback, but ultimately focuses on the human aspect that is the underlying element in all things Solarpunk. So, without further ado:

Solarium - Downtime [SOL002]

I try to use these writing prompts not only as a way to further focus on a theme, but also to further develop my own writing style, so feel free to leave any comments, questions, or critiques that you may have. Always happy to hear other's opinion.

Hope you enjoy the read and have a great rest of your day! :)


When is enough, enough?

When everyone has enough? When everyone has access to enough? When everyone has access to enough in a plethora of styles? When everyone has access to a plethora of styles, in a wide variety of places, with competing price points and features? When is enough, enough?

If we can't manufacture everything, for everybody, at all of the times, then what kind of system does that leave us? I have some thoughts and you can find them here:

Solarium - Deliveries at the speed of life

What do you think can be done in regards to overproduction of goods? Should there be consequences for producing more than can be consumed? Do you think capitalism can be tamed in such a way?

Would love to hear your thoughts! Together our voices will make a stronger world!

Also, thanks for reading! :)

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 year ago

If I weren't already knee deep into building my own world, I'd be tempted to write some modules. I love putting systems to the test. I'd be curious to see how the world responds to chaotic and/or evil players.

I think part of the allure is being able to do things you couldn't get away with irl. I think your chase and aerial maneuvering scenarios might be a good way of really opening up the possibilities of the world.

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 year ago

I've briefly looked through the manual and modules and am glad to see that it is quite detailed. Looks like you've put a ton of work into it! I'll make not of anything that sticks out to me if/when I get time to peruse it.

One more thing. What would be the main draw for attracting players to your TTRPG (outside of just the setting)? With D&D you have the ability to be both good or evil and have a plethora of options for living out your life within a fantasy setting. With Solarpunk, there seems to be a natural affinity to make everything aligned with good. Is there a way to be evil within your TTRPG, and if so, what repercussions would the GM have available to keep players in line?

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 year ago

I think.... overall it does a good job of catching the reader's attention and setting up the next scene in a way that I'm genuinely interested in what happens next. In the context of an intro for a TTRPG, I'm not so sure. I feel like the setup for the action should be a bit more concise and should hint a little further at the type of action we're to expect. (For example, my initial reaction is "I think we're about to go fight a fire.... but I'm not sure"). In short, my takeaway is that I feel like I'm still missing context.

I'm curious as to how the "action" plays out in your TTRPG. I know conflict and problem solving will always exist regardless of setting, but how have you managed to turn that into fun actionable experiences for the player?

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

I intentionally wrote the story as an excerpt, to give it a "slice of life" feel to it. I didn't want everything to be explained and instead leave it to the reader to fill in the blanks as to how certain aspects came to be. You're take is interesting and quite different from my headcanon, though I could definitely see things playing out that way.


Hope the day has been treating everyone well!

Over the past few months, I've written several articles that aim to define certain aspects of a fully sustainable world. After writing the last couple of articles, I wanted to really explore those concepts within a story. To really get a sense of how life might actually play out. Below I have a link to a story where I put together elements of an open travel society, a shared community, and food culture together:

[SOL001] - A Kitchen Story

I had fun writing the sections that I explored, and hope that reading through it was equally enjoyable. Would love any feedback or opinions that you may have. What did you think of the narrative? Could you envision yourself in that world? Would you buy a solarpunk cookbook filled with short stories?

Hope the rest of the day goes well and thanks for reading! :)

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

Very true. An already bonded community is key to making that work. Headcanon was already established communities, so the bond would be present already. I believe that there will always be some conflict, but as long as people are not forced to live together (as in mentioned, a lack of money to afford something better), then most people will either learn to live with each other and share or find somewhere else where they are a better fit.

Would make for some interesting story points, the clashes of personality around these shared spaces.


Hope everyone is having a great day so far!

Branching off from my previous blog, Post Food Scarcity, I wanted to more deeply explore something that I eluded to in that post, and that is the Community Kitchen. How a shared space amongst the community fosters a sense of togetherness while also helping to reduce the redundancies of appliances and tools since not everyone would need to procure their own. Is it possible for everyone to come together in such a way? And how does that impact the daily lives and spatial needs of the individual? Find out here:

Solarium - A Shared Community

What's your opinion on this take? Could you envision yourself living in such a community? If not, what would you change? Always happy to hear other opinions, ideas, complaints, and experiences, so feel free to share! The more viewpoints I can experience, the stronger the ideas! 💪

If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read and hope you have a great rest of your day!!

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Everything paved in marble would not be quiet. Sounds would reverberate for days ~shutters

I've toyed with the idea that a established solar punk world would build down into the earth, rather than up into the sky. Humans can't occupy 100% of the Earth and there will be a need to not only protect but create a thriving environment for the other creatures we share this planet with, most of which live above ground.

Even if the above scenario doesn't happen, technology will keep evolving either way. Plenty of things to do inside buildings with enhanced AR/VR functionality. Lots of ideas there!

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

Excellent notes! Thanks for sharing! One day when my life settles down a bit I'd love to experience such an event.

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

Completely agree, we have the means, but choose not to employ them because... profit (bleh). That's one of the main reasons I'm trying to craft a world that doesn't revolve around acquiring capital as a means of survival. But beyond that, also trying to craft a world where we are no longer spending our life working for food and trying to think about how that would reshape civilization.

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

I had not thought about cross posting there, but I have now! Thanks for the suggestion!

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

I almost gave up, but I think I found it:

The Green Leopard Plague

Let me know if that is it and I'll add it to my reading list. Always looking out for good reads!

What you describe reminds me a bit of Knights of Sidonia, in that there are certain parts of the civilization within the colony that could photosynthesize as well. It's not the biggest plot point, but it does get covered a bit. The anime was really interesting to watch. Reminds me that I need to pick up the manga cause it's not likely that the third season will ever get finished.

[-] Sol_r_Punk@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks!! I've also come to discover the wide variety of fruits available, specifically apples. Whenever I travel, taking in the local food trends and varieties are my favorite parts, which reminds me that I've been meaning to plan a few road trips to do some food tours.

I've had a moment to mull over some thoughts regarding a democratic element to demand planning. I'm not sure that I'm exactly picking up what you mean, but I think there should definitely be a human element in picking out the needs and then let AI take over logistics planning. I'm not sure that machine learning could ever get advanced enough to figure out human whims. People are chaotic and unpredictable, more so once you think you have them figured out. AI is a good tool to make life easier, but I think it should require a good amount of human engagement so that people can keep some agency over their life.

Out of curiosity, was there a shared community kitchen set up at the event you attended, and if so, about how many people shared that area? Curious because I've been wondering if there would be an upper limit to that type of set up, and if that would impact community size? If not, what was it like sharing food at that event?


A while ago I set myself a task, to build out a vision for the future that I have been slowly crafting within my imagination. Through this process I've found many similarities with my own path and that of the solarpunk community. In so, I decided to start a blog where I can compile my worldbuilding notes, encourage myself to write more, and facilitate regarding topics of what a solarpunk future actually looks like.

Solarium - Post Food Scarcity

Post Food Scarcity is the latest topic that I have explored. Taking a look into what a functional future looks like when we no longer have to worry about procuring food as a means of survival. Would love to hear other's thoughts on this subject!

Trying to add content on a regular basis, mainly to form good writing habits, but also to keep the flow of creative juices well.... flowing. Giving that the r/solarpunk is under black out, I'm not really too sure of other good places to share my ideas. If anyone would be willing to point me in a good direction when it comes to sharing content, I would be most appreciative!!

In any ways, thanks for allowing me to take up some of your time and hope you have a great day!!

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