[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 10 points 6 months ago

What do you mean "scroll down to K"?

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 15 points 6 months ago

Are you capable of feeling guilt or remorse? If so you are probably not a psychopath. If not you might have some traits. In any case you might want to see a professional.

Also autism is often mistaken for some degree of psychopathy. As an autist I have personal experience with this.

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 12 points 6 months ago

Sometimes it feels like this but often I'll just put on a face and pretend to be listening but really I'm still halfway focusing on the problem I'm solving. I rarely really hear what people say to me when I'm like that. Just nod and smile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 18 points 7 months ago

Population't density of Sahara

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 17 points 11 months ago

See also: ducks

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 19 points 11 months ago


We don't have wars, famine, US-level political crazy news and very few poor people. We have fairly good social services/welfare, free/paid education, good equality and freedom. On paper it's kind of a fairytale country.

And yet people complain a lot. Mostly about 1st world problems like expensive cars, increasing mental health issues and too many immigrants though.

But despite things looking pretty ideal compared to many other countries I have noticed that many people seem sort of disconnected from themselves and people around them. I would say there's a sense of impending doom and an existential crisis lurking just beneeth the surface. I did not see that 30 years ago.

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 26 points 1 year ago

10 minutes ago. I cry a lot there days. I used to never cry though.

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 44 points 1 year ago

It’s timeless


So I’ve been using Voyager (wefwef) for a while and it’s pretty good and gets lots of updates. However one thing I’m really missing from Apollo is the option to disable endless scrolling (forcing me to click next/load more). That feature really helped me to avoid doom scrolling and I think it should be in every app because our reptile brains just aren’t equipped to fight an infinity of memes.

Does any of the other apps out there support that feature?

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 51 points 1 year ago

I never understood these. Arch has always been rock solid for me and in 10 years or so I have never had to chroot to fix an issue. The most annoying issues have been related to PGP signatures or old certificates but those have been easily fixed.

What is it you people do to your arch installs that fucks them up so much?

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 12 points 1 year ago

GORILLA.BAS has entered the chat


Min kæreste og jeg er blevet enige om, at jeg betaler noget ind til hendes pension i forbindelse med hendes barsel. Man kan altid diskutere, om det bør være partnerens ansvar at kompensere for, at vi som samfund ikke sørger for, at den ammende/primære forsørger ikke bliver sat bagud pensionsmæssigt, når de vælger at få børn og ikke kan arbejde imens, men sådan er det nu engang, og da jeg tjener rigeligt er det ikke et problem for os.

For hende handler det tillige om tryghed i fald vi skulle gå fra hinanden en dag eller hvis jeg kradser af (vi er ikke gift og har ikke umiddelbart planer om det). Det giver også fint mening for mig.

Men det virker økonomisk temmeligt åndssvagt. Jeg har jo allerede betalt (top)skat af de penge, og hun kommer til at betale skat af dem igen når hun får dem udbetalt som pension. Så det prikker til min økonomiske fornuft at gøre det på den måde.

Så mit spørgsmål: er der andre måder at gøre det på, som giver bedre økonomisk mening, og som samtidigt tager hensyn til hendes tryghedsfølelse?

[-] MildlyArdvark@feddit.dk 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That’s irrelevant. The comment was about the choice of words. It’s simply false to say the mice sacrificed themselves. If anything they were sacrificed by us humans.

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