i have used dating apps for, theoretically, dating for a long time but i get zero activity on them. i haven't tried for just friends before though so i'll give it a shot. do you have any specific app you'd recommend for that?
does anybody have any tips on, like, how to just chat with somebody online/make friends online? i'm a shut in and spend the vast majority of my days never talking to another human being and the long term isolation drives me actually nuts. i don't know that i even can but just shooting the shit with text on a screen for a few minutes a day would at least give me a nonzero amount of social interaction
camera is set at a low and to your left angle, showing the side of your head and your arm lazily scrolling through the official IDF twitter account on a smartphone with the underside of the desk out of focus in the background. after a few moments of this the you suddenly freeze, but your expression isn't visible so we don't know why. focus slowly shifts to the background as a dark blob against the desk becomes clear. a stamp reading "MADE IN PALESTINE". cut to camera from the stamp's POV, showing your pupils dilating as you stare up into the camera for just a couple silent seconds. explosion. end scene.
i loved welcome to the nhk back when it came out but it kind of fucked me up and i'm not allowed to watch it again
i still love it and miss it sometimes but it would push some trauma buttons in me that i know not to push to see it again
good soundtrack too!
in-home reading consultant where people who struggle to build a reading habit pay you to show up and threaten them into reading
what kind of fucked up world do we live in where getting crossfaded and making homemade funnel cake makes my emotional breakdown worse instead of better
this is bidens america folks
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how'd you do it? i get zero matches but i'm pretty up front about things that likely make me undateable. though i do also live in an area where it seems like at least 90% of the people are just awful anyhow
losing my ding dang mind
thank god i was wearing my explosive reactive armor vest
is there like a good place on here to ask some gender and queer(i think?) relationship type questions about myself? i'm trying to figure some shit out but i've never had a mentor or community or anything that knows about that sorta thing to ask stuff to