Everyone else is circle jerking about the censorship, meanwhile, I’m wondering how murder, rape, suicide, sex, and lesbians all came up in a bumble chat.
> Greentext
Look, I had a busy weekend, okay
Honestly, a tiktokker and a 4channer sound like the perfect couple, at least from the POV as an outside observar. grabs popcorn
Cannot resist bashposting:
~ $ bian='nd me money pls'
~ $ echo le$bian
lend me money pls
$ bian='an your face against DEEZ NUTS'
I fucking hate people censoring themselfs. Like what the fuck does "I ****** ***** ****** *****" mean?
Saw this often back then on Reddit. People wanting to curse, but the writing f*ck. If you want to curse, curse. If you think it would be too rude to spell out, just fucking don't.
N**** ***** **** *** **
I had this happen in real life.
A friend of a friend died of cancer complications. I posted a rest in peace type message on Facebook without details.
The next time I saw my mother she asked "I saw your post. Did your friend unalive herself...?". It felt SO insulting and demeaning for her to ask that AND to ask like that.
Okay, we need to stop letting Youtube police our langauge
Good try
We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
This is tiktok though.
Preventing people from saying "lesbian" sounds homophobic to me.
CPC regularly disappear gay and lesbian people. Back in 1996 they just publicly executed them.
Well it is TikTok. So that tracks
The terms originated from online censorship but to me using these terms IRL is very similar to people who use internet slang out loud. Might not be censoring herself but just so used to using those terms. It's annoying either way though.
I caught myself saying LOL the other day.
Be careful before it spreads to the *
- L __/ [] \
- LOL===__ \
- L ________]
Edit: I have no idea how to format here. You have to live now with this abomination
Either 3 backticks before and after code block, or 4 spaces at the start of each line
L __/ [] \
LOL===__ \
L \________]
Is this a joke? 4chan is the origin of candy ass censorship, it enforced coded slurs
I automatically have zero respect for anyone using that chinese spyware trash.
Ah, are we going back to leet speak, again?
I'm a 1337 |-|@ck$0r. It never left.
Gotta love when your orientation is censored
It's Chinese spyware that was specifically and provably designed to dumb down Westerners even more and make the Chinese smarter by specifically showing certain content to people in those countries. Americans then fell for it harder than a billion Trojan horses and remain locked in it's grasp. That one small app took a ton of my respect for humanity away.
That's been proven not to be true, tiktok us matches all the other us social media and tiktok china matches all the other Chinese social media.
US social media is full of greed, scams, flexing, crypto pyramid schemes, and lowest common denominator trash because that's what American culture has been overwhelmed with for decades - did tiktok shit over the history channel? Did they invent MTV? Is it there fault the only movies that are made are comic book repeats?
Just finding a foreigner to blame has been an incredibly popular strategy so through history but it never actually solves the problem at hand it just obscures it so no one ever tries anything effective
Languages evolving, to match the censorship, which means censorship will evolve as well. People want to express themselves
This is probably how it sounds to some older millenials or gen x'ers when I, a younger millenial talk in meme references
This kind of newspeak censorship is absolutely evil. We should absolutely go against any people or entities pushing it forward.
I'm not going to say exactly what I'd want to do to them because it would likely violate the Geneva convention, though honestly I feel like it shouldn't if we should also be allowed to punch, shoot, or otherwise violently attack Nazis, why not these evil people trying to suppress us and Push newspeak right now? Ultimately they're being civil right now but once they have their way they'll be beating and arresting us (Just like the polite Nazis would).
Yeah I used to find "Unalive" quirky and charming, but now it's... Getting a little too Demolition Man in here...
Double plus ungood
Sounds like this chick needs to delete tiktok
since when is lesbian a swear or a sensitive word?
It's scary how we seem to be getting closer and closer to 1984.
Newspeak is intended to make more complex thoughts impossible. This isn't newspeak; they're still talking about the topics, they're just using dumb filter workarounds.
Though I do feel it'd be obnoxious to actually talk like this when not needed
If I was in the market for a new companion the use of Tik-Tok would be a HARD pass for me.
Can we take the David Foster Wallace route and say "erased their own map" in place of suicide?
It just sounds cool.
Anyone old enough to remember Ren and Stimpy and the episode where they found corn in the dresser? I didn't realize it was porn...and now porn is actually called corn. I'm too fucking old.