I remember the speeches from Clinton and Obama. They were using the gesture to express a multitude of people. Meaning they were swinging their arms in a gesture to represent all people's in the audience. These pictures are just a midway on that. If you watched the speeches, Obama was noted for trying to make all people's represented and included. Clinton followed suit by doing the same thing. Elon Musk totally threw a nazi salute
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Yeah but i can't support right wingers in good faith if I aknowledge context
cool. now show a video of one.
Damn dude save some cope for the rest of us
so you agree it was wrong then?
Half of Them are doing it with the left arm. Also theres a difference between an unlucky shot and it being clearly a Nazi salute which can be proven by video.
Pos is a pos, more at 11 (OP is the pos)
Exactly! BOTH Democrats and Republicans grab their Hearts and then Nazi Salute ALL THE TIME!