Per wikipedia, over the counter (OTC) nasal decongestants are great unless the only one available in my area is a placebo like phenylephrine.
I recently have had a cold that included some coughs and congestion. I found the following home remedy would immediately clear my congestion with few to no side effects:
- Obtain OTC Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).
- dilute in a small container (approx 15ml water and 15 ml H2O2)
- gargle like mouth wash and breath through your nose if possible (note that this will likely cause a sneeze or coughing fit)
- spit out all gargle, sneeze, and/or cough sputum and blow your nose.
Based on this process, I have found that the normally sticky "infected" yellow sputum has foamy edges and does not stick to my body. In addition, a violent cough with this H2O2 mouth wash recently coating my mouth will cause some reflux of air to my ears, nose, and stomach (as such I have to burp and let my ears drain). When there is a slight amount of H2O2 in the back of my throat, the ears seem to drain faster and easier, and the nose is easier to clear with regular blowing into a tissue.
Based on my personal experience, this is very effective at "accelerating symptoms" so that they are a non issue while I am trying to do something else e.g. sleep or be a functional adult at work.