Well meant tips, home remedies etc.

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Anything which supposedly should help. DIY, grandma's tips, nutrition etc.

founded 1 year ago

So once long ago, there was a legendary thankgiving stomach bug that invoked the powerful "double dragon" where both ends of the digestive system would violently expel all ammo at the same time for 3 days. I inquired of a grandfather, and this is his remedy.

  1. take a half cup of plain yogurt with active cultures (no sugar added if possible)
  2. obtain 5-7 fresh garlic cloves and mince then crush.
  3. mix the two together and let sit at room temperature for a half hour
  4. eat the entire mixture.

Note that during this event, I had early symptoms that invoked the first stage of the double dragon. I then judiciously obtained the material components for this remedy. I followed the steps and during step 4, I actually felt more and more unwell with each bite. I also may have started sweating. After about 1 hour, I then had a marked improvement i.e. nausea of a 7/10 decreased to a 2/10, and I had a spike of renewed energy. This benefit lasted ~8hrs. I had no double dragon symptoms during the period that others in my close family were at their worst. I typically have an "average" stomach compared to my family members, so this gave strong evidence that this remedy was effective.

My grandfather claimed to use it while flying overseas and doing business and eating weird stuff and getting food poisoning but still needing to get work done.


Per wikipedia, over the counter (OTC) nasal decongestants are great unless the only one available in my area is a placebo like phenylephrine.

I recently have had a cold that included some coughs and congestion. I found the following home remedy would immediately clear my congestion with few to no side effects:

  1. Obtain OTC Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).
  2. dilute in a small container (approx 15ml water and 15 ml H2O2)
  3. gargle like mouth wash and breath through your nose if possible (note that this will likely cause a sneeze or coughing fit)
  4. spit out all gargle, sneeze, and/or cough sputum and blow your nose.

Based on this process, I have found that the normally sticky "infected" yellow sputum has foamy edges and does not stick to my body. In addition, a violent cough with this H2O2 mouth wash recently coating my mouth will cause some reflux of air to my ears, nose, and stomach (as such I have to burp and let my ears drain). When there is a slight amount of H2O2 in the back of my throat, the ears seem to drain faster and easier, and the nose is easier to clear with regular blowing into a tissue.

Based on my personal experience, this is very effective at "accelerating symptoms" so that they are a non issue while I am trying to do something else e.g. sleep or be a functional adult at work.


Nov 18, 2024 All The Diary Of A CEO Episodes Dr Yvonne Burkart is a PhD Toxicologist and former Senior Toxicologist in the flavour and fragrance industry. She is also the creator of the YouTube channel, ‘Yvonne Burkart, PhD’.


Cited: Missed our Webinar on Cancer and Censorship? Catch the exclusive replay available only until Monday, October 14th! This webinar dives deep into cancer and censorship, uncovering alternative treatments that the industry doesn’t want you to know about.

Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect your health and your future.


For kids and adults with weaker immunity should have one tsp everyday! And if you or your child gets the cold! One tsp to 3 tsp a day will give you a lot of relief. Honey has been shown to be more effective than over-the-counter cough medications. | Bettergreenhealth

  • Oct 8, 8 PM (EST)
  • Oct 9, 00:00 (GMT)

On October 8th at 8 PM EST, we’re exposing alternative life-saving cancer treatments that are being deliberately censored.

You deserve to know ALL your options—not just the ones that make money for Big Pharma.

It’s time to expose the censorship, the lies, and the greed that are keeping you trapped in a broken system.

Don’t stay in the dark—register now to uncover the truth about your treatment options!

Don’t Let Them Hide the Truth — Spread the Word

Every cancer patient has the right to be fully informed about their treatment choices. Be a beacon of hope by sharing crucial insights on alternative cancer therapies. Click the links below to help spread this life-saving knowledge.




By verein_gmsn

Chlordioxidlösung mit 0,3% CDL/CDS kann man über das Internet kaufen.

Im Buch von Andreas Kalcker wird alles wichtige erklärt.


Ebenfalls empfehlenswert. https://www.kopp-verlag.de/a/das-cdl-handbuch

Hilfe zur Anwendung und Dosierung erhält man über den Messenger Dienst Telegram. Dort die Suchfunktion verwenden.

Wichtige Links.



Das Video auf Englisch, um es international verbreiten zu können, gibt es hier.


Hier bekommt man Telegram.


Hier geht es zur Selbsthilfegruppe auf Telegram.


Hier geht es zum Ableger der COMUSAV Initiative für den deutschsprachigen Raum D-A-CH auf Telegram.



Please help prevent the Novobiotronics Research Laboratory from closing forever!

For the past 16 years, we have dedicated ourselves to researching the frequencies needed to slow and destroy cancer, but this vital research will end forever without your help today.

Our Novobiotronics laboratory was the ONLY lab in the world doing the very specific and detailed work on finding the most effective frequencies (broadcast by a plasma antenna) to lay the groundwork needed for a nontoxic, noninvasive, painless and inexpensive future cancer treatment.

We have lost the upstate New York laboratory space that was donated to us from 2011 through 2022, but we are not giving up! With your support, we will keep this vital research moving forward!

Novobiotronics is moving its research laboratory to Florida but we can’t do it without your help!

Since the end of 2022, we have been busy preparing the way to continue our research in the state of Florida. We have already successfully overcome numerous bureaucratic hurdles and spent considerable time working with area specialists to help estimate the cost of re-establishing our research lab in Florida. We were able to bring our most important and vital portable electronic equipment from the NY lab and it is now in temporary storage in Florida, awaiting the necessary construction work and large equipment needed to establish the Florida Novobiotronics Research Laboratory.

We are ready to continue this vital research work, but without your help, it may end forever.

Please donate and share this fundraising link with friends, family and colleagues. Let’s all join together for a better future cancer treatment that is nontoxic, noninvasive, painless and inexpensive!

Anthony Holland President Novobiotronics Inc.

More information about Novobiotronics Inc.: Novobiotronics Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and scientific company actively engaged in research on the effects of frequency-specific oscillating pulsed electric fields (OPEF) (broadcast by a plasma tube antenna) on human cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria. We are working to lay the foundation for a future cancer treatment that is nontoxic, noninvasive, painless and inexpensive.


Dec 23, 2013 NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We've flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/t...

Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; President: Novobiotronics Inc. [a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company]. Discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments. Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

New Cancer Research Angle from a Surprising Source More recently, he has written a publication titled “Inhibition of Proliferation of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) by frequency-specific Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) broadcast by an enclosed gas plasma antenna” which is currently published as a pre-print.

Inhibition of Proliferation of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) by frequency-specific Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) broadcast by an enclosed gas plasma antenna

A thank you from a retired attorney who discovered the FLCCC after reading ‘The War on Ivermectin’ he was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic but decided that he would make changes to his diet and lifestyle to get off all medications. Watch this positive MyStory.

Do you have a story?

We’d love you to send in your story where info and encouragement from the FLCCC has made a positive difference to you or your family.

Did our COVID protocols help you? Our Kid's protocol maybe? Dr Saleeby’s Whole Body Health? Our Tools and Guides? The Wednesday Night Webinars? Did we help you get healthier? Has Intermittent Fasting changed your life? What about our dietary and nutraceutical info?

Anything and everything. We would love to hear your story. If you email us at mystory@flccc.net, we will quickly share what we need from you.

The FLCCC Alliance is a healthcare nonprofit on a mission to restore trust, integrity, and the doctor-patient relationship. Get involved by clicking below: • Donate: https://geni.us/Donate-Today

• Follow: https://geni.us/Follow-FLCCC

• Protocols: https://geni.us/Treatment

• Webinar: https://geni.us/FLCCC-Webinar

• Shop: https://geni.us/Shop-FLCCC

• Medical Disclaimer: https://geni.us/Disclaimer

What is CDS? (andreaskalcker.com)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by rtwin@lemmy.staphup.nl to c/home_remedies@lemmy.staphup.nl

CDS is a concentrated 0.3% (3000ppm) aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in solution and has a neutral pH.


In Bolivia, chlorine dioxide in the form of CDS is legally used as a treatment, thanks to the approval of the Law against Covid-19 and a collaboration between the army command, the EMI military universities and the foundation of Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker in Mexico.


Documentary via

7 Most Common Mistakes When Using Apricot Oil for Face


The Cancer Drug They Hid from The Public! (Medical Documentary) | Only Human



De 74-jarige Roermondenaar raakte eind december in coma nadat hij abrikozenpitjes had gegeten als snack tijdens een treinreis. De knabbels kocht hij bij een kruiden- en gezondheidswinkel. "Op het zakje staat wel dat je er niet meer dan vijf mag eten, maar niet dat het vanaf tien pitjes dodelijk is", aldus Arts. "Maar dat doet toch niemand? Als je nootjes eet pak je een handje, en daarna nog een."


In abrikozenpitten zit cyanide, hetzelfde gif dat de nazi's in de Tweede Wereldoorlog gebruikten in de vernietigingskampen. De pitten in het zakje dat Arts had gekocht bevatten 200 keer zo veel cyanide als toegestaan.


Na zijn vergiftiging kaartte Arts het gevaar van abrikozenpitten aan via RTL. Daardoor kwam het onderwerp landelijk op de agenda. Woensdag besloot minister Bruno Bruins van Volksgezondheid dat de pitten niet meer verkocht mogen worden. De winkelketen waar Arts de pitten kocht, haalde ze al eerder uit de schappen.

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