this post was submitted on 18 Feb 2025
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A very good, extensive and interesting read on cryptography, centered around Signal (my daily driver), from the same guy who has previously analyzed Telegram and Session.

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[–] 8 points 4 days ago

Now they're going to go after you with 'We know you have a secret messaging app you use, Signal, and we know you used it to plan playing baby shark at the mall last Tuesday.'

This does nothing for their case. They don’t know if you planned the crime on Signal. And, this is on non-issue if you:

  1. don’t talk to the police,
  2. have a decent lawyer.

If you fail those two basic principles of dealing with the police, you’ve screwed yourself anyway. Accusing you of using Signal carries no weight in a court and likely wouldn’t be admissible unless they already had evidence of the contents of the messages.