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Not an answer, but some observations:
I'm not sure I agree with your statements on "extremism" and social issues.
What do you mean by "extremism?" I rarely see anything I'd consider "extreme" on the left (except on Lemmy, lol). However, extremism seems pretty popular. The Republican party is now pretty much mask-off fascist; can't get much more extreme than that.
I may agree with you on not focusing on social issues too much. However, they are strongly intertwined with economic issues. The disadvantaged and demonized are more easily exploitable, which drives down wages and conditions for everybody. If rights can be taken away from one group, they can, and will be taken away from another (often rights are taken away from the whole using a group that's been demonized as the false pretext).
I agree that economic and social issues are often intertwined. My concern isn’t with addressing social issues, but with the way they are sometimes prioritized or framed in a way that alienates potential allies.
Also, when I say 'extremism,' I’m not talking about advocating for justice, I mean tactics or rhetoric that make it harder to build broad coalitions. For example, i recently got into an argument here on Lemmy about the effectiveness of roadblocks on drawing attention to climate change and its adverse effects. I said that I don't want to be prevented from getting to school or work because people are protesting on climate change - none of these protests of which have been successful at swaying policy-making. I suggested that we rethink the way we go about activism instead of inconveniencing everyone (supporters and non-supporters). The result was i got mass downvoted and received multiple comments from car haters insulting me and calling me a fascist. This is the kind of extremism I'm referring to. Putting all nuance aside on an issue and going full gung ho.
Link to the thread in question if you're curious: https://sh.itjust.works/comment/16285500