this post was submitted on 31 Jan 2025
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Protect your privacy in the digital world
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To add to this, all kinds of fitness trackers are still trackers, and they will sell your data.
I don't have much knowledge of privacy-respecting alternatives, but this post on the GrapheneOS forum covers that for those interested.
Eventually, I'm sure we'll cover hardware privacy more extensively in this community, as it deserves its own guide.
Damn I really hate all this IOT devices. Why would you need to connect the Exercise bike to internet
I really need to dive into researching privacy respecting trackers. I require one for heart rate and sleep monitoring (due to a couple of medications I take- adult ADHD and medication management is quite a battleground for things like normal heart rate and normal sleep).
I'll admit I like that my current, privacy-destroying, hateful watch can track my exercise, but it's seriously not at all important to me (I have to actively monitor my heart rate during exercise to make sure I don't push myself too hard as it is).