this post was submitted on 21 Jan 2025
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Signal suffer from the same meta data issue IMHO and that's really all governments care about, who is talking to whom, to make relationship maps.
If they really care, they will compromise the end point to get the content.
This. In addition to metadata tracking you mention... Encrypted messages are great, until one party is compromised. Delete chat history, use a VPN, take more precautions than just using an encrypted messaging app. For most user's purposes, this is fine, leagues better than SMS or social media conversations.
Really got to secure the end points either degoogle android for phone or linux for desktop.
And even then that's just to keep your fed busy and mildly annoyed.
Although if critical mass of people did this their job would be a lot harder, they would need to burn a lot more resources etc.
While more personal privacy is good, the bigger play here is having citizens reasserting their agency en masse IMHO
Agreed, but there is the challenge of our time. In the end you can only do so much and you'll stand out just for not being a normal facebook user, been trying to get everyone to move to something else, anything that isn't a big player. I've watched the world go from BBS, all the way to twitter.. It has been depressing to say the least.