Liberate is when ecocide?
Is there a phrase to describe the when a programmer thinks what is needed is something "easy" when the problem requires something "simple" instead?
No worries then, Absolute monopolies only exist in text books.
But we're supposed to be training AI to be smarter, not dumber.
I mean that's generally how it is now. If a rep lied to me then you better believe I'm talking to the manager and going to extract some concession. The difference is you can hold a rep accountable, dunno how you do that with AI
What does protesting got to do with one's risk of running a pharma heist?
Yet Alaska has it...
I don't think Biden takes Trump as seriously as he says he does.
Kudzu abatement.
I wonder what he gave to go on SNL...
You call it consequence, I call it punishment. What's the difference here?
If capitalism was the reason then there would be a lot more flags in the image - including Russia. Probably has something to do with a current event....