The going rate is a vacation RV for a SCROTUS. A gift card to the olive garden might be enough for some judges.
Depends if they're just flopping it flaccidly from side to side or angrily masturbating. Same goes for if a woman were to start rubbing one off. Nudity isn't sexual, but what you do with it could be.
Just going to gloss over Trump moving of our embassy to Jerusalem and the Abraham accords which were both escalations in the eyes of the Palestinians.
But how do you phrase it to mean they are bad at giving rimjobs?
If Austria required Slovak to register the birth of their children with them so they may later be eligible to vote, then you might be right.
A price paid mostly by those who didn't even have a chance to vote.
Them goalposts is me asking for the original receipt. Show me the Biden supporter who you claim this flag represents.
It is bad if you think a person's value of their own time isn't reduced to market dynamics. Yes the rich pay a cost/tax for the convenience, but that is because their time is valued more by the market. Poor people are compensated less for their time and that seems to make it "okay" to ask poor people to spend more time to deal with less honest business practices. If you think their free time is as "valuable" as anyone else's then this is offensive.
Then show me the Biden supporter (who isn't protesting) that wants small government like those who fly the Gadsden flag.
If we're using the brain as a metaphor, I would say don't listen to the voices that are telling you that having a brain is the problem.
I don't even expect Democrats to "learn their lesson" by loosing an election, let alone reform democracy.