Well someone has to dig the tunnel beneath the reactor core...
This. I'm not sure what the ramifications are, depending on what law may be applicable (like US-american or canadian), but apart from having given away something that in all likelihood they had no right of ownership over, they might even be liable for some sort of confidentiality breach due to that.
"It’s his job to say who should buy it."
Is it though? I suggest his position is more that of presenting what's there, rather than make the choice for those interested in buying something like that...
Man kann keine schönen Dinge mehr haben...
Yeah well German politicians have really gone out of their way the past couple of years to make that happen. Setting off to tank the economy and self-righteously pushing away any and all criticism has never worked out well for anyone...
Und das Verhalten von Sauftouristen auf Malle macht das Verhalten irgendwelcher Hanswürste im Freibad jetzt... besser?
Wie man in den Wald hineinruft... wenn man den Leuten schon mit einer "was willst du??" Haltung begegnet, sind die natürlich scheiße. Umgekehrt hab ich es immer erlebt, dass wenn man freundlich mit den Leuten umgeht, auch entsprechend mit einem umgegangen wird.