Always thought was a brilliant pasta marketing idea.
A game where you play a reporter in a pre-internet open world, digging through meetings, documents, connections and surveillance to get information to create stories.
You could have relationships with people too, and test them. Go with a private story on someone that will get big views and make the rent but piss them off, or keep it private and maintain your relationship to access their connections to try for a bigger story.
He knows the rules, and doesn't care o/~
Well, I guess I'm camping out, given my last anime was Yuru Camp. Honestly, seems decently pleasant, though finding a job in Japan would be tricky.
The Churchill and Athabasca Rovers don't connect; the Methye Portage was used to move between them, which is about a 20 km walk.
According to Hank Green, it's from 2007. So 16 years ago.
I think it'd have to be Portal...mmm, the first one. I think learning about Glados the first time is a little better than the whole potato thing.
I was wondering if Reese pee was liquid peanut butter for a moment.
The reason they're doing it now is because there's a petition to enshrine the right to abortion in the Ohio Constitution, overriding the Republican's ban, and they want to prevent that.
Alibris for used? They're independent. For new, if you have a local bookstore, I'd go with them first. If not, depends on your province. There's probably a largish bookstore in the provincial capital that will ship.