I enjoy the argument because it's a taboo, so nobody has a good argument. Nobody thinks it's a real command. Nobody thinks for a moment Linus even wants that person dead. It's Just Not How We Do Things here in Polite Society. We say "fuck you, c-loving geriatric" but "I can't wait to see you in a grave, old man" is considered different even though the literal words are irrelevant. The speaker likely has no real interest in fucking the other coder, nor seeing them in a grave.
This amusingly puts it in precisely the same category as like, grandma being upset that their gkid won't wear a bra or shave their pits.
I'm considering most economic systems prior to...the last few centuries to be essentially slavery. If some random king owns everything....
Not the same as America's slavery of course, nor is it necessarily legally structured slavery as existed in many societies, but nevertheless.