What source are you using? This is EPA that is higher than the number of unemployment registered The comments about not finding spanish people....maybe not at the salary they want to pay... https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/es/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176918&menu=ultiDatos&idp=1254735976595
Stats are not perfect but they are not manipulated. People working less hours are still workers. Global working hours have also increased. Minijobs in Germany are similar.
And matlab runs natively in linux if needed
Th email protection is nice, but my one of my mails is already full of spam, so I don't care any more and just use that when I don't trust..
I would check compatibility of Gadget-Bridge (open-source, no internet connection) and then use whatever gadget doesn't require register. My amazfit bip (old version) is basic for gym (not that I need it...) but for hiking I can record the track heart-rate.
Amazfit bip have always on screen. You can use it with gadgetbridge in android and forget about the official app
Bitwarden works nicely. It will work locally unless you sync as far as I know.
I am not saying otherwise, total working hours have increased, but if you divide by workers have decreased, https://elpais.com/economia/2023-05-03/las-horas-trabajadas-alcanzan-las-cotas-previas-a-la-gran-recesion-tras-dispararse-en-el-primer-trimestre.html .
But if there were manipulation of data the amount of hours wouldn't increase. There is a difference in saying the data is manipulated and saying the data don't tell you the whole story, one questions the data and good faith, the other questions the completeness of the analysis.
Furthermore, the unemployment rate doesn't tell you the whole story because working hours and salaries. The later have not increased meaningfully in the last 20 years... meaning people actually need to work more to have the same life level.