Just make him 8 int and 8 cha so no one asks you do anything important except smash. Thats what i do.
joined 2 years ago
Nothing bad has ever happened under a leader who thinks he was appointed by a god. /s
Oh I know. What I want is to be able to have Karlach toss my halfling and the game transition to my halfling's turn where I'm hacking and slashing on the way down. A man can dream.
The president of COP28 is the head of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company which is the UAE state owned oil company.
Being stuck in the ship’s memory buffer
Do you know the reason why Starfleet always chooses blind chief engineers? It's simple.
The PCs are in a shop and one of the players is roleplaying the shopping experience for everyone else.
This is talking about an occultation of betelgeuse (happening next week) not the impending supernova of betelgeuse (could be tomorrow could be 10,000 years from now).