Are these Orion slave girls in danger?
The whole country doesn't speak french only Quebec does. Similar to Louisiana.
Im just quoting from wikipedia in my comment above so if you don't like the definition take it up with them.
I never said mexico wasn't in north america.
Latin America designates the set of countries in the Americas where a Romance language predominates: Spanish, Portuguese, or French. Thus, it includes Mexico; most of Central and South America; and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.
Are we too late for the party?
So that's how we got the Weinermobile.
I can definitely see him commenting like that. He used to regularly pop up on reddit as /u/wil.
Not a blimp. It’s a hybrid airship.
Picard rocking the “I don’t have time for this temporal Q bullshit” face.
They should pay triple the wages owed plus fines. That will start making it hurt.
Notice how Morn isn't included. He'd be flooding the group chat with his banter.
The coffee recipe in this cookbook is the real reason why Neelix was left behind in the Delta Quadrant.
Maybe he just really wanted to see Blingdenstone…