Yes, you need to not kill the cub in the cave and then talk to the cub at the goblin camp. The cub will approach you at your camp a few days after you've killed the goblin leaders.
I prefer Shovel. Foul mouthed little shit.
as far back as the 6th century
At least 800 years before that, maybe more. Eratosthenes calculated Earth's circumference around 240 BC. I would assume you have to believe the Earth is round is if you're measuring a circumference.
If both churches consider themselves with infallible popes declaring gods will on earth, who is right? Do you see the dilemma? Neither can say that the other sect are true Catholics.
So if someone claims to be catholic but doesn't accept Pope Francis that doesn't make them not a catholic, it just means they don't think Pope Francis is the legitimate pope. They would consider him an antipope and his statements ex cathedra are therefore fallible since they aren't really statements ex cathedra in their minds.
That doesn't change the fact that Palmerians consider themselves the one true catholic church and that they consider their members catholic. They would claim their anti-pope is the infallible one, not Pope Francis.
If someone claims to be a “Catholic” but doesn’t “accept” Pope Francis as the legitimate Pope, they’re not a Catholic.
That's not true. There have been quite a number of schisms in the catholic church which resulted in a split on who people thought was the pope. The guy who doesn't come out on top in that situation is called an antipope. Sometimes it was difficult to decide in history which person was the pope and which was antipope. There have been about 40 of them with the last being in the 15th century.
The Palmarian Church is a catholic splinter group that has an antipope.
Really? None of the oil execs in charge of COP28 want reductions in fossil fuel usage? So weird.
So you just gotta put a different name and picture on your bumble profile and then you can get away with murder scott free right?
Unless you're Sam Pilgrim. That dude will ride any bike down the gnarliest obstacles. A few months back he rode a bike made of bamboo that collapsed under him after going off a jump with it. The bike had only been ridden for about half a day.
Gale is OP for Tactician or Honor mode if you don't feel like doing the final battle. Send him up the brainstalk alone and he’ll nuke the brain letting everyone else escape.
I staked astarion in my honour run by misclicking. For some reason i thought i was clicking the push him off option and then all of a sudden im stabbing my sassy day walker. So sad.
This is why soldiers think jarheads are morons.
The exercise is meant to be done with your feet on the guy behind’s shoulders. This puts his face somewhere between their feet and knees usually. Then you all do a pushup together and hate the one weak guy who can’t do the exercise.