Ugh. Tangentially related: a streamer I follow has been getting lots of people in her chat saying that one of the taters wants to hire her. I've started noticing comments like "I love white culture" and weird fantasies about the roman empire. Historically she's also been asked multiple times what her ethnicity is (she is white), specifically if she is scandanavian, which I am starting to view under some kind of white supremacist lens. I've told her to ignore anything mentioning the taters or "top g" as one of them is known.
Honestly, I'm worried that she could get brigaded by these creeps, even if she shows no response whatsoever.
fwiw i attribute this to the stop doing x meme (that I believe skillissuer is referencing):
been thinking about making one for (memory) safe c++, but unfortunately I don’t know the topic deep enough to make the meme good