I enjoyed this. I wondered how Australian you would sound, and you sound reasonably Australian.
But just enough fingers!
I know I’m not the target audience for this but I’m a couple stiff drinks in and reading this at a bar so the large text is greatly appreciated.
I wonder what initial conditions spawned this fractal of bad. This Mandel-rot. This Sier-stink-ski
Am I crazy to think that guy has musk’s face?
This happened a while ago and I still have mixed feelings about it: a band I like started a music label and named it p(doom): https://pdoomrecords.com/
Alternate pitch could be pyramid plugging. There’s an added slant here that pyramids don’t have flared bases.
Comedy, exeunt
you would think someone who experiments with creative writing "tools" might understand imagery, but when those "tools" are in fact just 3 GPTs in a trenchcoat, it's not surprising when they don't
what a coincidence, "aiui" is the sound I make when I get caught doing electoral crimes.
I don't understand why you're getting downvoted. You should read the room, delete your posts, and leave forever. Then you wouldn't be getting downvoted.
Dril needs no orcale tbh