That's trivial to filter out at the server level though. Might waste a few minutes of time, but a competent admin would barely be annoyed.
What a shit take.
Yes, people should also be upset about Biden sending bombs to Israel, but that's been going on for years and, unfortunately, is pretty much well worn ground.
But muskmelon throwing a fucking Nazi salute is absolutely worth all of this attention, because it shows how little they care to hide it and how open they're going to be about this shit.
Fox News and GOP Rep. Mike Collins joined in, with Collins absurdly calling for her deportation.
Oh wow, snowflakes trying to deport a citizen?
I fucking hate that the beer belly putsch is basically succeeding
Yeah, the average German won't have heard about Nazi space karen throwing the heil. Especially after he was just there defending Nazis. Who would even know about that, just because it's world wide news and involves something very poignant to the German people?
Arguable, meat sack.
Not even the same person lol.
Whether or not you think she did a Nazi salute, it's close enough that it doesn't matter. Especially with a decade of other COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL Nazi references and allusions by the Republican party. Shit, people were calling out the Nazi references in Trump's campaignimg in 2015 even through to 2024.
The republican party gets no benefit of the doubt with Nazi accusations. Because they're full of Nazis and fascists.
Typically memes with these use the head base to denote respectability, like in the libertarian right, to degrade them.
I think this is more their reaction to it The other three are calm and pointing out Nazi space karen did the Nazi salute, and the libertarians are freaking out trying to deny it.
Whatever you need to tell yourself. Question, did you also think it was a coincidence when cpac had the Odal rune stage a few years later?
The settings app is the new control panel. There's just also the legacy control panel that they've been trying to remove for years. It's such a shit show that I've memorized the run string for the applets I have to use frequently, because it's a fucking nightmare trying to remember where they moved this in which version of the os.