Actual ex-Christian here.
The concept that you seem to be failing to grasp -- and I can't blame you because it escaped me as a Christian as well -- is that these are rules that you are welcome to follow. Your religion tells you what you can and can't do. You can make that choice. The problem comes when you try to apply that to anyone else who doesn't accept it. Your religion's rules don't apply to me, because I'm not part of your religion.
I'm willing to coexist with Christians. But that coexistence has to go both ways.
That sounds like a you problem. If your god expects me to believe that it's real, then it's going to need to move itself to prove it. Your testimony isn't sufficient. I've already been there, done that and bought the t-shirt.
You're entitled to think that's the case. What you think in the privacy of your own head is your business. The moment you think you have the authority (as too many Christians do) to make me follow it is when we have a problem.
And this is why we can't be friends. We've heard the story. We've heard the testimony. We remain unmoved. At this point, the only way to describe this behavior is harassment.
The world has heard the message. Let it go and leave us alone.
Christians in Europe have been highly successful at coexisting with non-Christians without harassing them. You might look into their example.