
joined 8 months ago

Thunderbird doesn't even need a plugin. Just "add new calendar" > "on the network" > enter the URL. Done.

Same for contacts.

Not completely, but yes. But in pan with some oil and fry them, as you'd do with the Gunciale

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I've recently been enjoying this recipe:

And my go-to is to make Carbonara, but replace the Lancaster/Guanciale with 2-3 of the outer, leathery savoy leaves cut into black width strips (vegetarian carbonara, basically).

Had both. So many people here have recommended different Brussels sprout recioes that I want comment on this. But steamed or boiled broccoli just sucks compared to seared or roasted.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Salad + garlic bread. Final offer.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (5 children)

So why not just do bread?

I'll be honest, those look ok. Might try them and maybe upgrade to 0.75/5.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (28 children)

A recent survey (n=1) has come to the following conclusions regarding goodness of members of the Brassica family:

  • broccoli: 5/5. Godly. Fry in pan on very high heat, severly searing the outside, but keeping the inside crisp.
  • savoy: 4.5/5. Very versatile. Easy to grow yourself. Smells amazing.
  • kale: 4.5/5. Must have in winter.
  • green cabbage: 4.5/5. Cheers from Sauerkraut country!
  • turnip: 3/5. Alright. Sometimes nice to have. Great raw with dip.
  • cauliflower: 2/5. Tastes like nothing. Only this high up because my ~~control group~~ girlfriend loves it.
  • Brussel sprouts: 0.5/5. Technically edible.
  • Broccoli, cooked: warcrime.

Not the person you replied to, but: that's just how it's always been on reddit, guess Lemmy just copied it.

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