Damn, that IS a killer hat. Almost tempted to get one myself. But having no other actual affiliation with BD, it would make things super, super awkward once someone actually recognizes the logo.
For it to be needed regularly.
Once upon a time you could drop one of those in every third thread. People really just out here saying anything on the internet.
Lizards get ligma eyes, it's a different strain. Like bird flu vs human flu.
It's not about porn specifically, but at one point you gave your phone number to a company. Could have been for anything, usually it's for "verification" or 2fa on a new account on any number of types of service. Then that company turned around and sold your phone number to a data broker - or, worse, was hacked and the hacker then sold their ill gotten gains to said data broker. Who then sold that number to a different company, who then sold that number to a different company...
This is why knowing where your data gets around to is important. If your phone number can (and most assuredly does) get passed around town like a cheap hooker, imagine what kinds of transactions are being performed on, say, email addresses. Or social security numbers. Or passwords, or security question answers. Trusting the wrong data into the wrong hands, once, will mean that data is now permanently a matter of public record. Oh, Equifax leaked your phone number? Now every single illegal data broker in the entire world has a copy of that information in their database, there are 3800 additional copies in various hackers' personal data stores, and new copies are being sold to new people every day. Whoops, now Netflix leaked your email address, hackers already have your name and phone number to link to it from Equifax, oh no, that's a complete data profile. Someone can now just buy your data profile to either target you with ads or target you with scams, or worse. Oh no, you got got by one of the targeted scams and accidentally gave your SSN to a bad actor - well, hope you're already on the way to the courthouse because your identity is now unusable. Whoever you were previously is now dead. You've just made appearances in Pripyat, Brazil, Bangladesh and 13 locations in China in the last 8 minutes and made credit card purchases at each location, your 401k is now smoke and your bank accounts are throwing the emergency halt lever. You'll be lucky to recover anything at all after legally changing your name and SSN, which is a real bitch to do, and will only get more difficult over time as Republicans grow increasingly terrified of the existence of trans folks.
Anyway, yeah, moral of this story is, this is why some people are so vocal and up in arms about data privacy issues and laws, be careful who you give your data to because it can and will be used against you to great effect by multiple prongs of malicious actors, change your passwords frequently and for the love of god don't give out your SSN unless it's absolutely required and you know for a fact it's going directly to a governmental agency.
Ah, yes. "Interpretation", of a thousands-year-old text, originally written by men to control other men, in Hebrew and translated at least three times in sequence before reaching even the predecessor of the popular King James Bible, then the apostles wrote the whole New Testament at minimum 50 years after all the alleged events contained within and possibly up to a couple hundred years later, then the whole thing was gutted, reordered and rewritten by old King James himself, then it was passed through the grubby mitts of between 10 and 30 generations of southern baptist-esque preacher before finally reaching the ears of the modern avid churchgoer.
If you think a single word in that book still holds the original meaning that it was written with, and more so if you think any part of that book is a factual account of events, I have several bridges to sell you. If not even that is enough to spark a little bit of self reflection, I invite you to investigate the Mormons and see what happens when religious ""interpretation"" is allowed to run free without restraint.
Emacs is a text editor at its core, just like vim. The difference is that emacs is extendable. You can write, or install, custom packages for it to make it do damn near anything you ever want, far, far above and beyond just text processing.
Vim is simple and unobtrusive, it has a job and it performs that job and nothing else. It is the purest essence of a text editor. Emacs is an all purpose tool that can be tweaked and changed based on your current or future needs. They appeal to different types of nerds.
Barrier free washrooms should not exist anywhere, for any reason. What the fuck are you on about. Have some sense of basic human rights and privacy, please.
If you want to go drop a turd on live TV, that's on you, but under no circumstances are the rest of us to be subjected to that. Absolutely fucking not.
I spent 12 years in American public school during which greater than 70% of the student body had cell or smart phones and 100% of them were successfully banned. If the phone is visible during the school day and you aren't currently receiving a phone call from the President or from your parents on their way to the hospital, phone goes in the teacher's desk. You get it back at the end of the day.
Its not that difficult at all.
Do you want an American Sengoku Warring States era? Because this is how you build an American Sengoku Warring States era. It would very rapidly devolve into multiple self-contained nations each lorded over by a different billionaire. They would each come with their own schools and housing and military. It would be the end of whatever United we still have left in our States.
Therefore Trump sounds like the actual idiot that he is, and Biden is performing as expected of a president.
Not sure what your point is here beyond just playing yourself and shutting down your own argument.
Relatively simple actually, without copyright. Download Spotify, rename app to Spudify, re-upload to app store. Done, easy peasy. Hardest part about it would be decompiling the existing app, which is definitely possible and may not even be necessary.
The real truth is, however, that in this hypothetical world there would be no Spotify to copy and there would be much, much less music available to stream on Spudify.
On the contrary, those with true faith and an understanding of their religion are often leftists because they understand the importance of "love thy neighbor". The political right has somehow stolen and bastardized religion, Christianity in particular, into a disgusting mockery of itself that has lost touch with its roots and core values, and a significant portion of American Christians have been indoctrinated into that without ever even knowing better.
I'm not religious myself and I often have particular issues with "the church" as an organization but I welcome you. I hope that your faith can continue to show you the righteous path forward. You show an understanding of the intention and values of your faith that is becoming sadly rarer as time goes on. Much of my, and many others', general beef with religion is directly tied to its affiliation with the far right and the bastardization of what once may have been very sensible advice, into a blood cult of rage and hatred.
Spread love my friend. We as a human species need more people like you now more than ever before.