I think that depends on your definitions of "mind", "hole", and "going"
Immobilisers have been mandatory in all new cars sold in Germany since 1 January 1998, in the United Kingdom since 1 October 1998, in Finland since 1998, in Australia since 2001 and in Canada since 2007.
Unfortunately in the good old US of A that is somehow not the case, but it remains a fact that it is a bare minimum requirement for vehicle security. You will not purchase a vehicle in America that is not a Kia that does not have an immobilizer.
"The door is unlocked, therefore it is fair to assume the driver wants to be able to start the car and drive it away without the key present in the vehicle"
A car door lock is trivial to bypass by any one of like four methods. What stops the car being stolen is the immobilizer chip. The immobilizer that Kia declined to install in their cars.
After 3 times she should just buy a Honda instead, those at least come with baseline security features.
So next time someone tries to steal your car, it costs YOU $4k to fix it afterward. Nice.
For one thing, opening fire on a civilian or other non-combatant that hasn't already fired live rounds at you will get your ass court-martialed, dishonorably discharged, and imprisoned faster than you can say "Miranda rights"
And somehow that happens dozens of times per day in American police departments
If Texas actually leaves the union, they are no longer a part of the United States and will not be bound by American rule of law. Closed borders may be the least of your problems by that point. Keep your head on a swivel so that the point of no return doesn't suddenly sail past you.
Those kids are smoking weed.
Honestly I hate it too. This isn't the America I saw coming when I was younger. But it's also not like these are unforeseen consequences. Greg Abbott has fucked around and it has now come time to find out. It hurts my heart that innocent people are going to be caught up in the consequences of his actions, but such is the way of war. And Abbott is going to turn this into a war, make no mistake.
Poor men dying for the mistakes of rich men is a tale as old as time and we haven't left that era yet. I wish no harm on the common folk of Texas. But the unfortunate truth is that I'd expect the same in my state, if my state governor decried federal law in favor of murdering migrant children and then threatened secession from the union over it. Abbott is dangerously unstable and is taking Texas down with him. Texas can either rid themselves of this problem, through vote or otherwise, or they can go down with the sinking ship.
I'd much rather just remove and relocate the sensible folks until all that's left in Texas are the treasonous officials and their pet army, and solve this problem without collateral damage. But we all know very well that that isn't going to happen. They can and will use the lives of innocents to shield their own, just like terrorists always have, the world over. And to those people I say, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. If your death does prove necessary I hope that it can help guide us to a brighter tomorrow, the same I'd hope for my own. But that's the reality of a terrorist warzone, is people will die, and the world keeps turning. There's no point trying to ignore it, in fact the more we actively ignore the situation the worse it's going to get before it gets any better. We need to cut the head from the snake before the snake poisons the rest of the country, or even world.
Would rather have Puerto Rico anyway. Texas will return to being Mexico pretty swiftly and that's probably better for everyone.
Doom is so fully invested in the fact of his own righteousness, it cracks me up. One of many reasons he's my very favorite character in Marvel.
The fact that they are, factually, standard on every other manufacturer's vehicles, like you want to insist they aren't. You're clearly refusing to understand the words being communicated to you so, good luck in life I guess, this conversation is done.