I mean, Vsauce made a 3 hour video of just saying prime numbers in sequence, nothing else. 18m views.
.... I don't, actually, I've been using ClassicShell basically since the day Win10 came out and it's always worked perfectly. Don't think I've even updated it actually.
Terry Pratchett's Discworld approaches magic as a fundamental force akin to gravity or nuclear force. It even has a unit of measurement (the Thaum, further broken down into millithaums, etc)
There are a whole host of reasons you should read Discworld but this just adds another.
How else are you supposed to conduct air-to-air combat if not via jousting?
(Not OP) Point taken, but in that case the solution should also be obvious. Just use a different one that does provide that. If the product sucks, hit the bricks. DDG and Kagi are looking for market share, they'd love to have you.
Crazy people are already committing random acts of terrorism, remember when some Trumper took out an electrical substation about a year ago and left a couple dozen thousand people without heat or power in the dead of winter? All that to shut down a drag show (supposedly).
Extremely doubtful, I've seen what we're used to paying for wages. Every company you've ever interacted with has a foreign team that they're paying $2 a day for, whether that be for tech support, customer support, materials gathering/construction, or shipping.
Real stupid take from the lemmy user. Trump lost the popular vote.
Every foreign adversary wants Trump to win because it's obvious to everyone in the world that he's going to cause the collapse of America. When America keels over, a power vacuum opens up.
People like to laugh at that quote but it's about as good of a fumble recovery as anyone could have done in that situation. Dubya was no fool, despite his "bumbling everyman" persona.
And Marcus definitely knows a few things about mental health. He's been around that block once or twice.
Coat arms would probably drag on the ground otherwise, and anyone wearing a coat like this isn't going to need their hands. They've got people for that.