oh I did not know that, thank you
joined 1 year ago
Thank you :) Would you cut off the lowest centimentre that was laying in water or would you put them on soil immediately?
seufz hier gehen wir wieder
Thank you. I thought I did let the soil dry but maybe not. I repotted it into some dirt mixed with some orchid bark stuff and I'll water it less. In a few weeks I'll know if that helped.
Wie werde ich ein "Oh nein, schon wieder so lange gearbeitet!" Mensch statt ein "Ich kann mich zu nichts aufraffen" Mensch?
Those damn lazy immigrants only want to exploit us! We can't accomodate them all!
(I hope it's clear that this is a joke)
Thank you. It's definitely not too much shade, it has always been on a south facing window. Maybe the soil is garbage. I'll check the roots for rotting as soon as I have good new succulent soil.