the voice for OpenAI’s Sky got taken offline because they tried to copy Scarlett Johansson’s voice for it (she voiced the AI in Her) after she repeatedly told them no (via this mastodon post which links the original NPR article):
it is just straight up fucked that there’s a hacker house scene where you’ll be so heavily indoctrinated (with sexual coercion and forced drug use to boot (please can the capitalists leave acid the fuck alone? also, please can the capitalists just leave?)) that a fucking Silicon Valley startup accelerator seems like a beacon of sanity
like, as someone who was indoctrinated into a bunch of this hacker culture bullshit as a kid (and a bunch of other cult shit from my upbringing before that), I get a fucking gross feeling inside imaging the type of grooming it takes to get someone to want to join up with a just hacker culture and AI research 24/7, abandon your family and come here house, and then stay in that fucking environment with all the monstrous shit going on because you’ve given up everything else. that shit brings me back in a bad way.
a crossover sneer from the Nix Zulip:
This is an easy place to add a hook that goes through each message and asks a language model if the message violates any rules. Computers are about as good as humans at interpreting rules about tone and so on, and the biases come from the training data, so for any specific instance the decision is relatively impartial.
please for the love of fuck kick the fascists out of your community because they’ll never stop with this shit
you see, your data can never be at rest if they’re constantly using it to train LLM models and exploiting it for other marketing purposes
…god this is stupid enough that I’m very sure I’m going to hear it in earnest from some AI shithead next time one of our threads hits all
I keep hearing this shit from creatively bankrupt folks and fash billionaires, because it’s very important to them that art and creativity isn’t for us — it’s an expensive relic of the past and a commodity that only they can afford. it’s fucking ghoulish, but that goes without saying with Sammy
what none of them seem to have an answer for is the obvious chicken and egg problem that their weird fucking conjecture leads to. if creativity isn’t possible, where in fuck did all the art come from? these assholes assert that modern artists just remix their inputs like a fucking generative AI, which is plainly false to anyone who knows artists or has even objectively evaluated generative AI outputs, but where in fuck did historical artists get their inputs from if we’re supposing that’s true? generative AI copies, but there’s nothing to copy from when there’s no original.
and that’s not meant to give a single inch to these shitheads and allow the fash idea that true art comes from some fantasy version of history either. modern artists do fucking fantastic creative work — when they’re not shackled by the capitalist systems that keep shitheads like Sammy boy buying expensive, unchallenging art pieces purely as a tax dodge
also the worst people I know: LLMs will replace human labor! now tell me why my copilot-generated HDL isn’t working
the very funny thing is, all of the garden variety free text autocomplete systems I’ve worked with have been implemented using neural nets. it’s not like it’s a particularly new or novel approach. but surely the AI bros coming into this thread know that and they’re not just regurgitating buzzwords, right?
how about fuck off
it’s very important to me that you don’t type the words “Blake Stacey” into a search engine while explaining quote unquote Quatnum stuff to them
And right leaning people have been so far more capable of cooperating with those who don't match their values. Also, on paper, left leaning have expressed more humane values, espacially when very general or abstract. But in the day to day, when it comes to the mondain or practical, I've seen the sexist or racist guys help more my muslim or girl friends that the ones saying every body is equal.
what in the absolute fuck. nobody calls this out?
The extreme left is a good bit smaller than the extreme right. The vast, vast majority of Democrats that MAGA folks like to paint as communists are in fact damn near as conservative as they are on most issues. You could probably put all the actual communists in America in a single stadium, with space left over.
this is barely masking some “all the leftists you see online are sockpuppets and everyone protesting is a paid actor” horseshit, isn’t it?
thanks for posting this long, pointless shit twice in this thread for no discernible reason
yeah we don’t need your shit takes here thanks