
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

we’ve got a few Banks fans on our instance so it’s an ongoing conversation, but the most recent posts are here

I enjoy Banks a lot and firmly believe he’d be here sneering with us if that were physically possible; it’s tragic that the rationalists and a number of AI fans have leaned into subverting the meaning of his work.

[–] 15 points 6 months ago (3 children)

she is, regrettably, a fascist who reputedly still hides right-wing conspiracy shit in her projects

I unfortunately know that startled feeling well; I used to be a fan of the work she did with sectorlambda and similar projects

[–] 15 points 6 months ago (9 children)

there’s so much quantum woo in that article I want to sneer at, but I don’t know anywhere close to enough about quantum physics to do so without showing my entire ass

[–] 20 points 6 months ago (3 children)

explaining these things to normal humans is how you turn them into humans with years of psychic damage, and I support that mission wholeheartedly

an attempt at a summary:

the dilbert guy, who believes he can hypnotize women into having sex with him, now also believes he knows a magic incantation to teach hypnosis to a chatbot, and heavily implies the chatbot was able to hypnotize him in turn (presumably into having sex with it)

[–] 36 points 6 months ago (2 children)

FAR AI tries to imply that the Go bots are still not merely superhuman, but far superhuman: “this result demonstrates that even far superhuman AI systems can fail catastrophically in surprising ways.” Uh huh. [FAR AI]

fuck it’s so disappointing that everything in this space has to be communicated through the cracked lens of critihype — that even the utterly normal failings of a misengineered system must be misrepresented, in true techfash style, as further proof that the system is powerful and is only one more breakthrough away from perfection

[–] 25 points 6 months ago (17 children)

presented without comment:

(via @Colophonscrawl)

[–] 7 points 6 months ago

and because it feels like it’s worth screaming this into the void in case there’s any marketing assholes reading: fuck yes I’m here to kill the modern web

[–] 8 points 6 months ago (4 children)

(I have the feeling that this comes from the same shithead who pushed to include spicy autocomplete in Firefox.)

it definitely reads like the same shithead, but I’ve had them blocked on mastodon for some time so I can’t say for sure if it was for rampant LLMery or for doing the “without advertising the modern web would die and you don’t want that do you” thing advertisers do constantly

[–] 21 points 6 months ago

First of all. You could simply prompt the LLM to become conscious, and I bet none of you so-called AI skeptics have noticed that Open-AI has NEVER included text like that in any of their system prompts.

[–] 15 points 6 months ago

This is a weird kind of assertion. First of all. You could make facts a token value in an LLM if you had some pre-calculated truth value for your data set. That’s not how it works now but it’s a weird assertion to make about an unknown new generation of AI.

fuck almighty where do you people pull this absolute horseshit from

What Strawberry apparently is, is a machine that reasons, which is NOT similar to what Open-AI ever claimed ChatGPT ever was.

well shit, you’ve got a long list of supposed AI researchers to tell that to. here, I’ll make sure you’ve got plenty of time to read their back catalog of utterly fucking stupid claims!

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

what do you mean you don’t like when your package search command is one of several random, probably-unmaintained ecosystem packages that has to very slowly index everything every time nixpkgs updates because it doesn’t have access to the evaluator’s internals?

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Evaluation is 5-20% faster than 2.18, depending on which benchmark is in use, thanks to eldritch horrors.

this is awesome

nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs is now the much more reasonable nix flake update nixpkgs.

but this is making me go “fuck yeah” on the inside. it seems like a small change, but I can’t emphasize enough how frequently this command gets used (for every flake dependency, not just nixpkgs) for how longwinded and non-memorable the old form of it was. it’s kind of fucking incredible how many UX warts Nix has just from the old evaluator’s devs digging in their heels on shit like this.

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