holy fuck the edge and venom from our worst guests this weekend. and all cause you just couldn’t help but bitch about the downvotes your awful fucking posts earned!
I let them keep digging til they hit a rock but holy fuck what a pissbaby e/a edgelord
oh wow what uninteresting, edgy e/a garbage. time for you to fuck off back to Twitter now
asking why chick-fil-a’s bland-ass chicken is good is a better insomnia cure than counting sheep
it’s really weird to get excited on the internet about the desperation option to be honest
but also I’d still take KFC over chick-fil-a on flavor and vibes alone
fuck yeah Cane’s!
misreading my own rant back to me was a real weird move, but you’re already searching for good chicken in a Burger King so I think we’ve established how one might be tricked into thinking chick-fil-a’s good
literally the one I recommended in my post?
why was your list of chicken places so bad by the way?
listen I’m sure chicken has whatever this “flavor” thing is when you catch it, kill it, and fry it yourself, but until then I’m going with the only fast food chicken ever invented: Bigotry Filet
who the fuck said anything about a restaurant? go eat better fast food
no such luck :( I wish my local TCG scene was cooler!
dead internet theory’s always been laughably thin, and I don’t think that’s ever been more clear than “the regulars on a small online forum telling you to post better is perpetuating dead internet theory”