I'm sure the new government will enforce that.
I used to do this as well... I think I went for 6 months once... not great. I wear glasses now and have chronic dry eye. I got lucky.
I took my kids trick or treating tonight and, in the neighborhood we go to, everyone who is handing out candy sits on their porch or driveway and it's like a big block party. Nobody goes up to the houses with nobody outside because it's assumed they aren't participating. Being in rural texas, I probably wouldn't let my kids knock on those doors, only if that's what was the norm for the neighborhood. People be crazy out here.
A left handed can opener was such a game changer. I literally cross my hands one over the other to use a right handed can opener.
I went to pick a prescription at my local Walmart today (texas) and they had a sign saying that they have narcan or noloxone available. My guess is the easy access to narcan and the awareness of it nowadays.
This seems right up my alley, I'll have to add it to my tbr.
I must have missed something. Why were there north Korean officers there?
I have this, and my husband doesn't. We have two kids, one has it and the other doesn't.
They made us take the ASFAB (sp?) I Christmas treed it and left. No consequences, no harassment from the military.
I live in a VERY rural area. If I want to visit my neighbors, it's at the very least a 10 minute walk. To buy groceries it's about a 20 mi drive. If I want to go to a movie theater, it's a 40 mile drive. It's about a 70 mile drive to the closest city (sky scrapers and stuff)
There's no public transportation or even sidewalks. The closest town that is 5 miles away has one stoplight and a population of 700 ish. We do have a few restaurants in town though, a school and a post office.
This describes my brother in law. Granted, he's better than he used to be about 10 years ago, but he grew up in a small town, got to know all the cops pretty quickly, did a little jail time here and there but still has his license. He's totalled many vehicles, spent some time in ICU and still drives like a bat out of hell.
Oh fuck yeah let me get my popcorn. Peice of shit deserves all that.