Stop feeding the troll
Yeah, I love my trackball, but I have to clean it once a week.
Both can be true.
Fuck conservatives.
Please don't. The world doesn't need any more of them
Tool (and APC and Pucifer) have a no phone policy for their concerts. The concert staff will kick you out if you're caught using it.
That experience was orders of magnitude better than watching a concert above a sea of cellphone screens.
Yeah, I fill up a trash bag every time I go hiking
"Your body, my choice," is a rape threat, not an anti abortion slogan.
Noting should ever be completely unregulated. Humans are the worst.
Because they're brainwashed to support things that are against their own best interests.
That hasn't been the right wing platform for decades.
Sugar plate glass is made to be broken.
Pretending to be a doctor is illegal.