This happened to me on my first day as an it Helpdesk representative. The network in the IT area went out and I was figuring out who to call when I realized I was the one to call.
My wife's dog barks at black people because she had a black neighbor who would intentionally scare her every time he saw her when she was a puppy.
Psychopathy isn't an actual diagnosis. Unless she's been torturing animals for years, she's more likely to just be a cunt.
Found the workman's comp investigator.
It means nothing, because there's no legal mechanism for the people to remove anyone from the 3 branches.
The servers are very locked down, so I'm sure that's part of our compliance requirements. I haven't looked into fixing it because I just wrote a script to hit Enter every 10 minutes to keep it alive.
If his mom is doing that, it's likely he doesn't have a job because she won't let him.
Semen is actually fairly similar to egg whites (it can actually be used as a substitute in baking recipes). This means that when it gets hot, it cooks, and basically becomes solid.
The water in a shower is hot enough to cook it, so it can block the pipes. This is also why you should use cold water to wash it out of hair.
There's usually more peasants than guards.
He's JP from Grandma's Boy