Then they'll be issued guns
It's usually built into the infotainment system
Vaping and smoking are very different things.
Set up Home Assistant on a Pi or something for them. It can likely control everything from a central app
Make your own eliquid and you only pay a dollar or two for a 120ml bottle.
The EU also has an eliquid limit, which means they have to dispose of more vapes.
It would only take a minute to issue the order
I'd control Biden and have him do his job by executing the traitors that are a legitimate threat to the US constitution.
I have to work with fapolicy a bunch for work, and the command to load the rules is fagenrules.
You can auto-complete it by typing the first 3 letters and hitting tab.
On more than one occasion I've accidentally typed it into chat instead of the terminal (luckily I changed enter to be alt+enter in the app)
I've seen way more in Louisiana than Texas.
Not often I see sed in the real world.