[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 11 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Every Sunday when I do my weekly backup routine

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 14 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I used PowerDeleteSuite when I cleaned my Reddit account out. It's a Javascript Applet that runs in your browser. It supports filters too so you can choose which subreddits you don't want it to touch.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 4 points 7 months ago

Cybersecurity is actually a great suggestion! I've been applying to some roles but I haven't thought too much about it. I've been thinking of participating in CTF events before but just haven't cause of lack of drive/knowledge. It's something I'll consider now though

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Thank you for your insightful response. I was initially considering grad school in something that is lateral to my degree in Computer engineering and CS minor, like data science or similar. I actually haven't even considered applying to grants so that is a great suggestion. I'll do some research on what kind of programs I can apply to and see if there are any grants that are applicable to me.

As for location, I am around NYC. While I have been applying mostly in this area, I'm also applying all over the country as well, but still strongly prefer to work in or around a city. While I do get that certain cities have their own share of different industries and hubs, I didn't realize that the market for jobs is also dependent on area but it all makes sense when you put it together...

I failed to mention that I did actually land one offer at a tiny defense company in a rural part of the east coast though I declined it as I wasn't comfortable working in that industry and I wasn't willing to move out of a city area.
While I ultimately do not regret declining the offer, I reflected on the idea that I probably don't have a choice on which industry I work in as a first job; the main goal is to gain experience.
I haven't aspired to work in a government position too much because of my condition mentioned above, but I guess I need to sacrifice my idea of an ideal job and rough it out for maybe a year in that type of industry.

Per your last point, reaching out has been very effective in me finding opportunities, so that's a great suggestion. I've been using Linkedin to connect with alumni to seek mentorship and advice, and I've even gotten referrals to some target companies through them and their network. I've also been reaching out to friends who are working and while these all translate into some interviews, there still hasn't been any cigar.

I've been feeling a lack of drive after having bombed some technical interviews and still not generating any experience nor cash and so that's why I was thinking about pivoting in the first place. Even with taking account of the current market situation, it's still crushing to see others land something and all my friends around me working while I'm still at home. /rant

Regardless, I'm grateful for your insight. I'll look further into grad school while applying, and open up my breadth in terms of industries I should be applying to.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by november@iusearchlinux.fyi to c/cs_career_questions@programming.dev

Hey everyone,

I haven't had that great of luck landing a new-grad/entry-level role since I graduated 9 months ago (May 2023). I'm thinking of changing my career focus and possibly pivoting out of tech.

For context, I have almost 6 months of mediocre internship experience as an Embedded Software Engineer. I also have experience being a coding team lead for a project as part of a club activity at my uni for two semesters, to which I actually I enjoyed. As for roles, I've been applying to Embedded SWE, general SWE, hardware SWE, and systems engineering roles.

While this experience looks okay on my resume as a new-grad, it's been a struggle for me in searching for a job, and getting through the technical interviews. There's this element of dread in looking for jobs, preparation for job interviews, doing leetcode and even while working on personal projects.

Recently I've been thinking of looking into becoming an accountant or something similar since I like crunching numbers and since credit card churning, and FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) plans interest me a lot. So I'd have to go back to school and prepare for the CPA Exam.
If I were to stay in tech though, I would consider going into IT by getting the CCNA certification, maybe.

I could use some advice from those with experience, and I could also use advice from people who have pivoted in or out of tech and how you handled executing a career change.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Any tips on finding recruiters?
Should I just be cold-connecting with them on LinkedIn, or is there a better way to reach out?

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I use WireGuard to access my home services and for net-forwarding when I'm outside.
To set it up, I followed this simple guide.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 25 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

FreshRSS has been working great for me! It even has the ability for web scraping if you need it.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

There's some tinkering with their docker-compose.yml to make it work. Here's mine you can copy if you want to get it up and running. I don't use nginx or any reverse-proxy btw. All data is saved in their own individual volumes which you can back up:

        restart: always
        image: sharelatex/sharelatex
                condition: service_healthy
                condition: service_started
            - *DESIRED_PORT*:80
            - mongo
            - redis
        stop_grace_period: 60s
            - data:/var/lib/sharelatex
            - texlive:/usr/local/texlive

            SHARELATEX_APP_NAME: Overleaf Community Edition
            SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL: mongodb://mongo/sharelatex
            SHARELATEX_REDIS_HOST: redis
            REDIS_HOST: redis
            ENABLED_LINKED_FILE_TYPES: 'project_file,project_output_file'
            ENABLE_CONVERSIONS: 'true'

        command: "--replSet overleaf"
        restart: always
        image: mongo:4.4
            - 27017
            - mongo_data:/data/db
            test: echo 'db.stats().ok' | mongo localhost:27017/test --quiet
            interval: 10s
            timeout: 10s
            retries: 5

        restart: always
        image: redis:6.2
            - 6379
            - redis_data:/data


Some of my documents rely on certain packages which didn't come with the Docker image. You will need to run
docker exec sharelatex-sharelatex-1 tlmgr update --self;docker exec sharelatex-sharelatex-1 tlmgr install scheme-full
so that you can render your documents properly if they utilize certain packages.

Optionally—since the full scheme takes about 8 GB and you may not need everything—you can replace scheme-full with a different scheme you can find by running
docker exec sharelatex-sharelatex-1 tlmgr info schemes
The i before any scheme name means that it is already installed.

Included a texlive volume to save any packages that were installed, so when recreating the containers, they will persist.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 31 points 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Throwback to Microsoft's pre-Kinect project dubbed Xbox 'Natal' way back in the day.
Being younger, I—along with many—really thought that was the close future of gaming. In hindsight, of course it was all fabricated.
I'm not surprised by Google's Gemini demo video either. The way that which the whole demo was narrated and played out made it seem too linear, too perfect.

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 13 points 10 months ago

Stop feeding the troll..

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Translate You features LibreTranslate, Lingva, DeepL, MyMemory, Reverso, and SimplyTranslate.
While I can't speak for any of them, I think that all of those should be safe being that Translate You is FOSS, and their idealogy is "No Ads, no trackers, just You"

[-] november@iusearchlinux.fyi 5 points 11 months ago

I'm not sure if I am I having deja vu, but didn't someone make this exact post two weeks ago or so?

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