Praying that someday Elon Musk stops posting through it
Jesus, that second post.
[Benzos are] not only a great amnestic, it’s also apparently one of the most heavily prescribed drug classes historically, and used recreationally - which puts very strong lower bounds on the drug’s safety in practice, and means it’s probably readily available.
Yeah, because no widely used drug has ever turned out to be harmful, right?! Right?! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to huff some glue. After all, glue huffing is widely practiced recreationally - by kids, even - so it's probably safe, right?
As far as I know, the only way to prevent people from joining a cult is a) warn people it's a cult and b) make the cult less powerful and attractive.
embed physics into computation
Ok, have I been sniffing glue or is computation not the result of physics?
these people said "what if we had a church that was also a country with a monarchy" and then cooked for like 800 years
edit: although I think the actual borders only got defined in like the 20th century?
Back in the day (i.e 2015), .vu custom domains were pretty popular with Tumblr bloggers - I think Vanuatu gave away free urls?
Linked in the article: the designer/programmer has now done the obligatory "Well I didn't think there was anything wrong with it" AI bot post mortem interview with a Catholic blog.
More of a Woodstock mud puddle than anything else
The actual Vatican seems to use its own .va domain name, which neatly sidesteps the .com vs .org dilemma.....but doesn't explain why they let randomers use and
Is it an offence against the church for a group of lay theologians to ordain an AI? no idea. It is very funny though
I thought Thatcher on Acid was a band from the 80s, not the EAies' approach to economic policy