Indeed, but everything you need is there. And I'll throw one in for free and it is awesome to get started: http://websdr.org/
TenForward, when the memes dropped.
We have that. It is a mastodon bot. I don't remember what server it is on, but tagging it will set the reminder.
I almost hate to recommend it, but r/rtlsdr is the place to go.
RTL-SDR is basically a way of using a digital device as a broadband radio. That is an oversimplification, but that is the idea. There are cheap USB devices out there that will turn a PC into a ham radio receiver (among a really wide range of other bands like weather satellites). I have no idea how they are doing it with Android, however. Maybe using the phone's antenna.
A conveyor would make the most sense.
Things like this are why I am mostly glad to still be using xbmc on my original hacked Xbox. Not much space and I have to deal with FTP, but it still works a treat.
At that pay, especially part time, I would find another job ASAP. It is important to know (like what the other commenter asked) what your end goal is. Want to primarily sit at a desk doing CAD/CAM, or get your hands dirty every day?
If the latter, I strongly believe that the core of learning how to do setups is to run a large amount of them and see/ask questions about the approach that was used. It can really suck to do a run that takes 20 seconds per work piece all day for a week, but the vast majority of us have been there at one point or another. I guess this is my way of saying that you should build your skills as an operator first. Get enough time doing that and you will know if a setup is shit and how to rectify it. There a good reasons why machining is traditionally an apprenticed position. Come to think of it, search for an apprenticeship somewhere reputable and you are going to have a much easier time starting out.
I worked at a shop for about 6 years where none of the operators were ever trained on how to properly mix coolant and management didn't care. Trust me, it can be a lot worse. I had to rip apart one vise where the internal hemisphere which mates with the set screw had been completely eaten away by rust.
Evil Socrates refused to get in the phone booth.
I'm not defending this, but this is an extremely common practice in the US.